IContentPresenter Interface


Interface for controls that present a single item of data inside a TemplatedControl template.
graph BT Type-.->Interface0["IPresenter"] click Interface0 "/api/Avalonia.Controls.Presenters/IPresenter" Type-.->Interface1["IControl"] click Interface1 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/IControl" Type-.->Interface2["IDataTemplateHost"] click Interface2 "/api/Avalonia.Controls.Templates/IDataTemplateHost" Type-.->Interface3["ILayoutable"] click Interface3 "/api/Avalonia.Layout/ILayoutable" Type-.->Interface4["IInputElement"] click Interface4 "/api/Avalonia.Input/IInputElement" Type-.->Interface5["IInteractive"] click Interface5 "/api/Avalonia.Interactivity/IInteractive" Type-.->Interface6["IVisual"] click Interface6 "/api/Avalonia.VisualTree/IVisual" Type-.->Interface7["IStyledElement"] click Interface7 "/api/Avalonia/IStyledElement" Type-.->Interface8["IStyleable"] click Interface8 "/api/Avalonia.Styling/IStyleable" Type-.->Interface9["IStyleHost"] click Interface9 "/api/Avalonia.Styling/IStyleHost" Type-.->Interface10["ILogical"] click Interface10 "/api/Avalonia.LogicalTree/ILogical" Type-.->Interface11["IResourceHost"] click Interface11 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/IResourceHost" Type-.->Interface12["IResourceNode"] click Interface12 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/IResourceNode" Type-.->Interface13["IDataContextProvider"] click Interface13 "/api/Avalonia/IDataContextProvider" Type-.->Interface14["IAvaloniaObject"] click Interface14 "/api/Avalonia/IAvaloniaObject" Type-.->Interface15["ISupportInitialize"] Type-.->Interface16["INamed"] click Interface16 "/api/Avalonia/INamed" Type["IContentPresenter"] class Type type-node Implementing0["ScrollContentPresenter"]-.->Type click Implementing0 "/api/Avalonia.Controls.Presenters/ScrollContentPresenter" Implementing1["ContentPresenter"]-.->Type click Implementing1 "/api/Avalonia.Controls.Presenters/ContentPresenter"


public interface IContentPresenter : IPresenter, IControl, IDataTemplateHost, ILayoutable, 
    IInputElement, IInteractive, IVisual, IStyledElement, IStyleable, IStyleHost, ILogical, 
    IResourceHost, IResourceNode, IDataContextProvider, IAvaloniaObject, ISupportInitialize, INamed


Name Value Summary
Child IControl
Gets the control displayed by the presenter.
Content object
Gets or sets the content to be displayed by the presenter.

Extension Methods

Name Value Summary
AddDisposableHandler<TEventArgs>(RoutedEvent<TEventArgs>, EventHandler<TEventArgs>, RoutingStrategies, bool) IDisposable
Adds a handler for the specified routed event and returns a disposable that can terminate the event subscription.
Bind(AvaloniaProperty, IObservable<BindingValue<object>>, BindingPriority) IDisposable
Binds a AvaloniaProperty to an observable.
Bind<T>(AvaloniaProperty<T>, IObservable<BindingValue<T>>, BindingPriority) IDisposable
Binds a AvaloniaProperty to an observable.
BindClass(string, IBinding, object) IDisposable
BringIntoView() void
Tries to bring the control into view.
BringIntoView(Rect) void
Tries to bring the control into view.
CalculateDistanceFromAncestor(IVisual) int
Calculates the distance from a visual's ancestor.
Find<T>(string) T
Finds a named element in an INameScope.
FindAncestorOfType<T>(bool) T
Finds first ancestor of given type.
FindCommonVisualAncestor(IVisual) IVisual
Tries to get the first common ancestor of two visuals.
FindControl<T>(string) T
Finds the named control in the scope of the specified control.
FindDataTemplate(object, IDataTemplate?) IDataTemplate?
Find a data template that matches a piece of data.
FindDescendantOfType<T>(bool) T
Finds first descendant of given type.
FindLogicalAncestorOfType<T>(bool) T
Finds first ancestor of given type.
FindLogicalDescendantOfType<T>(bool) T
Finds first descendant of given type.
FindNameScope() INameScope
FindResource(object) object?
Finds the specified resource by searching up the logical tree and then global styles.
Get<T>(string) T
Gets a named element from an INameScope or throws if no element of the requested name was found.
GetBindingObservable(AvaloniaProperty) IObservable<BindingValue<object>>
Gets an observable for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetBindingObservable<T>(AvaloniaProperty<T>) IObservable<BindingValue<T>>
Gets an observable for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetBindingSubject(AvaloniaProperty, BindingPriority) ISubject<BindingValue<object>>
Gets a subject for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetBindingSubject<T>(AvaloniaProperty<T>, BindingPriority) ISubject<BindingValue<T>>
Gets a subject for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetInputElementsAt(Point) IEnumerable<IInputElement>
Returns the active input elements at a point on an IInputElement.
GetLogicalAncestors() IEnumerable<ILogical>
Enumerates the ancestors of an ILogical in the logical tree.
GetLogicalChildren() IEnumerable<ILogical>
Enumerates the children of an ILogical in the logical tree.
GetLogicalDescendants() IEnumerable<ILogical>
Enumerates the descendants of an ILogical in the logical tree.
GetLogicalParent() ILogical
Gets the logical parent of an ILogical.
GetLogicalParent<T>() T
Gets the logical parent of an ILogical.
GetLogicalSiblings() IEnumerable<ILogical>
Enumerates the siblings of an ILogical in the logical tree.
GetObservable(AvaloniaProperty) IObservable<object>
Gets an observable for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetObservable<T>(AvaloniaProperty<T>) IObservable<T>
Gets an observable for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetObservable<TEventArgs>(RoutedEvent<TEventArgs>, RoutingStrategies, bool) IObservable<TEventArgs>
Gets an observable for a RoutedEvent<TEventArgs>.
GetPropertyChangedObservable(AvaloniaProperty) IObservable<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
Gets an observable that listens for property changed events for an AvaloniaProperty.
GetResourceObservable(object, Func<object?, object?>?) IObservable<object?>
GetSelfAndLogicalAncestors() IEnumerable<ILogical>
Enumerates an ILogical and its ancestors in the logical tree.
GetSelfAndLogicalDescendants() IEnumerable<ILogical>
Enumerates an ILogical and its descendants in the logical tree.
GetSelfAndVisualAncestors() IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates an IVisual and its ancestors in the visual tree.
GetSelfAndVisualDescendants() IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates an IVisual and its descendants in the visual tree.
GetSubject(AvaloniaProperty, BindingPriority) ISubject<object>
Gets a subject for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetSubject<T>(AvaloniaProperty<T>, BindingPriority) ISubject<T>
Gets a subject for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetVisualAncestors() IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates the ancestors of an IVisual in the visual tree.
GetVisualAt(Point) IVisual
Gets the first visual in the visual tree whose bounds contain a point.
GetVisualAt(Point, Func<IVisual, bool>) IVisual
Gets the first visual in the visual tree whose bounds contain a point.
GetVisualChildren() IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates the children of an IVisual in the visual tree.
GetVisualDescendants() IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates the descendants of an IVisual in the visual tree.
GetVisualParent() IVisual
Gets the visual parent of an IVisual.
GetVisualParent<T>() T
Gets the visual parent of an IVisual.
GetVisualRoot() IRenderRoot
Gets the root visual for an IVisual.
GetVisualsAt(Point) IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates the visible visuals in the visual tree whose bounds contain a point.
GetVisualsAt(Point, Func<IVisual, bool>) IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates the visuals in the visual tree whose bounds contain a point.
HitTestCustom(Point) bool
InputHitTest(Point) IInputElement?
Returns the topmost active input element at a point on an IInputElement.
InputHitTest(Point, Func<IVisual, bool>) IInputElement?
Returns the topmost active input element at a point on an IInputElement.
IsLogicalAncestorOf(ILogical) bool
Tests whether an ILogical is an ancestor of another logical.
IsVisualAncestorOf(IVisual) bool
Tests whether an IVisual is an ancestor of another visual.
PointToClient(PixelPoint) Point
Converts a point from screen to client coordinates.
PointToScreen(Point) PixelPoint
Converts a point from client to screen coordinates.
TransformToVisual(IVisual) Matrix?
Returns a transform that transforms the visual's coordinates into the coordinates of the specified to.
TranslatePoint(Point, IVisual) Point?
Translates a point relative to this visual to coordinates that are relative to the specified visual.
TryFindResource(object, object?) bool
Tries to the specified resource by searching up the logical tree and then global styles.