ILayoutRoot Interface


Defines the root of a layoutable tree.
graph BT Type-.->Interface0["ILayoutable"] click Interface0 "/api/Avalonia.Layout/ILayoutable" Type-.->Interface1["IVisual"] click Interface1 "/api/Avalonia.VisualTree/IVisual" Type["ILayoutRoot"] class Type type-node Implementing0["AboutAvaloniaDialog"]-.->Type click Implementing0 "/api/Avalonia.Dialogs/AboutAvaloniaDialog" Implementing1["TopLevel"]-.->Type click Implementing1 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/TopLevel" Implementing2["IEmbeddedLayoutRoot"]-.->Type click Implementing2 "/api/Avalonia.Layout/IEmbeddedLayoutRoot" Implementing3["ReactiveWindow<TViewModel>"]-.->Type click Implementing3 "/api/Avalonia.ReactiveUI/ReactiveWindow_1" Implementing4["EmbeddableControlRoot"]-.->Type click Implementing4 "/api/Avalonia.Controls.Embedding/EmbeddableControlRoot" Implementing5["PopupRoot"]-.->Type click Implementing5 "/api/Avalonia.Controls.Primitives/PopupRoot" Implementing6["Window"]-.->Type click Implementing6 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/Window" Implementing7["WindowBase"]-.->Type click Implementing7 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/WindowBase"


public interface ILayoutRoot : ILayoutable, IVisual


Name Value Summary
ClientSize Size
The size available to lay out the controls.
LayoutManager ILayoutManager
Associated instance of layout manager
LayoutScaling double
The scaling factor to use in layout.

Extension Methods

Name Value Summary
CalculateDistanceFromAncestor(IVisual) int
Calculates the distance from a visual's ancestor.
FindAncestorOfType<T>(bool) T
Finds first ancestor of given type.
FindCommonVisualAncestor(IVisual) IVisual
Tries to get the first common ancestor of two visuals.
FindDescendantOfType<T>(bool) T
Finds first descendant of given type.
GetSelfAndVisualAncestors() IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates an IVisual and its ancestors in the visual tree.
GetSelfAndVisualDescendants() IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates an IVisual and its descendants in the visual tree.
GetVisualAncestors() IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates the ancestors of an IVisual in the visual tree.
GetVisualAt(Point) IVisual
Gets the first visual in the visual tree whose bounds contain a point.
GetVisualAt(Point, Func<IVisual, bool>) IVisual
Gets the first visual in the visual tree whose bounds contain a point.
GetVisualChildren() IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates the children of an IVisual in the visual tree.
GetVisualDescendants() IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates the descendants of an IVisual in the visual tree.
GetVisualParent() IVisual
Gets the visual parent of an IVisual.
GetVisualParent<T>() T
Gets the visual parent of an IVisual.
GetVisualRoot() IRenderRoot
Gets the root visual for an IVisual.
GetVisualsAt(Point) IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates the visible visuals in the visual tree whose bounds contain a point.
GetVisualsAt(Point, Func<IVisual, bool>) IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates the visuals in the visual tree whose bounds contain a point.
HitTestCustom(Point) bool
IsVisualAncestorOf(IVisual) bool
Tests whether an IVisual is an ancestor of another visual.
PointToClient(PixelPoint) Point
Converts a point from screen to client coordinates.
PointToScreen(Point) PixelPoint
Converts a point from client to screen coordinates.
TransformToVisual(IVisual) Matrix?
Returns a transform that transforms the visual's coordinates into the coordinates of the specified to.
TranslatePoint(Point, IVisual) Point?
Translates a point relative to this visual to coordinates that are relative to the specified visual.