ToggleSwitch Class


A Toggle Switch control.
graph BT Type-->Base0["ToggleButton"] click Base0 "/api/Avalonia.Controls.Primitives/ToggleButton" Base0-->Base1["Button"] click Base1 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/Button" Base1-->Base2["ContentControl"] click Base2 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/ContentControl" Base2-->Base3["TemplatedControl"] click Base3 "/api/Avalonia.Controls.Primitives/TemplatedControl" Base3-->Base4["Control"] click Base4 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/Control" Base4-->Base5["InputElement"] click Base5 "/api/Avalonia.Input/InputElement" Base5-->Base6["Interactive"] click Base6 "/api/Avalonia.Interactivity/Interactive" Base6-->Base7["Layoutable"] click Base7 "/api/Avalonia.Layout/Layoutable" Base7-->Base8["Visual"] click Base8 "/api/Avalonia/Visual" Base8-->Base9["StyledElement"] click Base9 "/api/Avalonia/StyledElement" Base9-->Base10["Animatable"] click Base10 "/api/Avalonia.Animation/Animatable" Base10-->Base11["AvaloniaObject"] click Base11 "/api/Avalonia/AvaloniaObject" Base11-->Base12["object"] Type-.->Interface0["IAvaloniaObjectDebug"] click Interface0 "/api/Avalonia.Diagnostics/IAvaloniaObjectDebug" Type-.->Interface1["INotifyPropertyChanged"] Type-.->Interface2["IValueSink"] Type-.->Interface3["ISetLogicalParent"] click Interface3 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/ISetLogicalParent" Type-.->Interface4["ISetInheritanceParent"] click Interface4 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/ISetInheritanceParent" Type-.->Interface5["IVisualBrushInitialize"] click Interface5 "/api/Avalonia.Rendering/IVisualBrushInitialize" Type-.->Interface6["ISetterValue"] click Interface6 "/api/Avalonia.Styling/ISetterValue" Type-.->Interface7["IContentControl"] click Interface7 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/IContentControl" Type-.->Interface8["IControl"] click Interface8 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/IControl" Type-.->Interface9["IDataTemplateHost"] click Interface9 "/api/Avalonia.Controls.Templates/IDataTemplateHost" Type-.->Interface10["ILayoutable"] click Interface10 "/api/Avalonia.Layout/ILayoutable" Type-.->Interface11["IInputElement"] click Interface11 "/api/Avalonia.Input/IInputElement" Type-.->Interface12["IInteractive"] click Interface12 "/api/Avalonia.Interactivity/IInteractive" Type-.->Interface13["IVisual"] click Interface13 "/api/Avalonia.VisualTree/IVisual" Type-.->Interface14["IStyledElement"] click Interface14 "/api/Avalonia/IStyledElement" Type-.->Interface15["IStyleable"] click Interface15 "/api/Avalonia.Styling/IStyleable" Type-.->Interface16["INamed"] click Interface16 "/api/Avalonia/INamed" Type-.->Interface17["IStyleHost"] click Interface17 "/api/Avalonia.Styling/IStyleHost" Type-.->Interface18["ILogical"] click Interface18 "/api/Avalonia.LogicalTree/ILogical" Type-.->Interface19["IResourceHost"] click Interface19 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/IResourceHost" Type-.->Interface20["IResourceNode"] click Interface20 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/IResourceNode" Type-.->Interface21["IDataContextProvider"] click Interface21 "/api/Avalonia/IDataContextProvider" Type-.->Interface22["ISupportInitialize"] Type-.->Interface23["IContentPresenterHost"] click Interface23 "/api/Avalonia.Controls.Presenters/IContentPresenterHost" Type-.->Interface24["ITemplatedControl"] click Interface24 "/api/Avalonia.Styling/ITemplatedControl" Type-.->Interface25["IAvaloniaObject"] click Interface25 "/api/Avalonia/IAvaloniaObject" Type-.->Interface26["ICommandSource"] click Interface26 "/api/Avalonia.Input/ICommandSource" Type["ToggleSwitch"] class Type type-node


public class ToggleSwitch : ToggleButton, IAvaloniaObjectDebug, INotifyPropertyChanged, IValueSink, 
    ISetLogicalParent, ISetInheritanceParent, IVisualBrushInitialize, ISetterValue, 
    IContentControl, IControl, IDataTemplateHost, ILayoutable, IInputElement, IInteractive, 
    IVisual, IStyledElement, IStyleable, INamed, IStyleHost, ILogical, IResourceHost, 
    IResourceNode, IDataContextProvider, ISupportInitialize, IContentPresenterHost, 
    ITemplatedControl, IAvaloniaObject, ICommandSource


Type Description


Name Type Summary
AttachedToLogicalTree EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>?
Raised when the styled element is attached to a rooted logical tree.
Inherited from StyledElement
AttachedToVisualTree EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
Raised when the control is attached to a rooted visual tree.
Inherited from Visual
Checked EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs>
Raised when a ToggleButton is checked.
Inherited from ToggleButton
Click EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs>
Raised when the user clicks the button.
Inherited from Button
DataContextChanged EventHandler?
Occurs when the DataContext property changes.
Inherited from StyledElement
DetachedFromLogicalTree EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>?
Raised when the styled element is detached from a rooted logical tree.
Inherited from StyledElement
DetachedFromVisualTree EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
Raised when the control is detached from a rooted visual tree.
Inherited from Visual
DoubleTapped EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs>
Occurs when a double-tap gesture occurs on the control.
Inherited from InputElement
EffectiveViewportChanged EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>?
Occurs when the element's effective viewport changes.
Inherited from Layoutable
GotFocus EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs>
Occurs when the control receives focus.
Inherited from InputElement
Indeterminate EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs>
Raised when a ToggleButton is neither checked nor unchecked.
Inherited from ToggleButton
Initialized EventHandler?
Occurs when the styled element has finished initialization.
Inherited from StyledElement
KeyDown EventHandler<KeyEventArgs>
Occurs when a key is pressed while the control has focus.
Inherited from InputElement
KeyUp EventHandler<KeyEventArgs>
Occurs when a key is released while the control has focus.
Inherited from InputElement
LayoutUpdated EventHandler?
Occurs when a layout pass completes for the control.
Inherited from Layoutable
LostFocus EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs>
Occurs when the control loses focus.
Inherited from InputElement
PointerCaptureLost EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
Occurs when the control or its child control loses the pointer capture for any reason, event will not be triggered for a parent control if capture was transferred to another child of that parent control
Inherited from InputElement
PointerEnter EventHandler<PointerEventArgs>
Occurs when the pointer enters the control.
Inherited from InputElement
PointerLeave EventHandler<PointerEventArgs>
Occurs when the pointer leaves the control.
Inherited from InputElement
PointerMoved EventHandler<PointerEventArgs>
Occurs when the pointer moves over the control.
Inherited from InputElement
PointerPressed EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs>
Occurs when the pointer is pressed over the control.
Inherited from InputElement
PointerReleased EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs>
Occurs when the pointer is released over the control.
Inherited from InputElement
PointerWheelChanged EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs>
Occurs when the mouse wheen is scrolled over the control.
Inherited from InputElement
PropertyChanged EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
Raised when a AvaloniaProperty value changes on this object.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
ResourcesChanged EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs>?
Occurs when a resource in this styled element or a parent styled element has changed.
Inherited from StyledElement
Tapped EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs>
Occurs when a tap gesture occurs on the control.
Inherited from InputElement
TemplateApplied EventHandler<TemplateAppliedEventArgs>
Raised when the control's template is applied.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
TextInput EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs>
Occurs when a user typed some text while the control has focus.
Inherited from InputElement
TextInputMethodClientRequested EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
Occurs when an input element gains input focus and input method is looking for the corresponding client
Inherited from InputElement
TextInputOptionsQuery EventHandler<TextInputOptionsQueryEventArgs>
Occurs when an input element gains input focus and input method is asking for required content options
Inherited from InputElement
Unchecked EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs>
Raised when a ToggleButton is unchecked.
Inherited from ToggleButton


Name Constant Value Summary
Defines the Background property.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Defines the BorderBrush property.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Defines the BorderThickness property.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Defines the Bounds property.
Inherited from Visual
Defines the Checked event.
Inherited from ToggleButton
Defines the Click event.
Inherited from Button
Defines the ClickMode property.
Inherited from Button
Defines the Clip property.
Inherited from Visual
Defines the ClipToBounds property.
Inherited from Visual
Defines the Clock property.
Inherited from Animatable
Defines the CommandParameter property.
Inherited from Button
Defines the Command property.
Inherited from Button
Defines the Content property.
Inherited from ContentControl
Defines the ContentTemplate property.
Inherited from ContentControl
Defines the ContextFlyout property
Inherited from Control
Defines the ContextMenu property.
Inherited from Control
Gets or sets associated mouse cursor.
Inherited from InputElement
Defines the DataContext property.
Inherited from StyledElement
Defines the DesiredSize property.
Inherited from Layoutable
Defines the DoubleTapped event.
Inherited from InputElement
Defines the Flyout property
Inherited from Button
Defines the Focusable property.
Inherited from InputElement
Defines the FocusAdorner property.
Inherited from Control
Defines the FontFamily property.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Defines the FontSize property.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Defines the FontStyle property.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Defines the FontWeight property.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Defines the Foreground property.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Defines the GotFocus event.
Inherited from InputElement
Defines the Height property.
Inherited from Layoutable
Defines the HorizontalAlignment property.
Inherited from Layoutable
Defines the HorizontalContentAlignment property.
Inherited from ContentControl
Defines the HotKey property.
Inherited from Button
Defines the Unchecked event.
Inherited from ToggleButton
Defines the IsCancelProperty property.
Inherited from Button
Defines the IsChecked property.
Inherited from ToggleButton
Defines the IsDefaultProperty property.
Inherited from Button
Defines the IsEffectivelyEnabled property.
Inherited from InputElement
Defines the IsEnabled property.
Inherited from InputElement
Defines the IsFocused property.
Inherited from InputElement
Defines the IsHitTestVisible property.
Inherited from InputElement
Defines the IsKeyboardFocusWithin property.
Inherited from InputElement
Defines the IsPointerOver property.
Inherited from InputElement
Inherited from Button
Defines the IsTemplateFocusTarget attached property.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Defines the IsThreeState property.
Inherited from ToggleButton
Defines the IsVisibleProperty property.
Inherited from Visual
Defines the KeyDown event.
Inherited from InputElement
Defines the KeyUp event.
Inherited from InputElement
Defines the LostFocus event.
Inherited from InputElement
Defines the Margin property.
Inherited from Layoutable
Defines the MaxHeight property.
Inherited from Layoutable
Defines the MaxWidth property.
Inherited from Layoutable
Defines the MinHeight property.
Inherited from Layoutable
Defines the MinWidth property.
Inherited from Layoutable
Defines the Name property.
Inherited from StyledElement
Defines the OffContent property.
Defines the OffContentTemplate property.
Defines the OnContent property.
Defines the OnContentTemplate property.
Defines the OpacityMask property.
Inherited from Visual
Defines the Opacity property.
Inherited from Visual
Defines the Padding property.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Defines the Parent property.
Inherited from StyledElement
Defines the PointerCaptureLost routed event.
Inherited from InputElement
Defines the PointerEnter event.
Inherited from InputElement
Defines the PointerLeave event.
Inherited from InputElement
Defines the PointerMoved event.
Inherited from InputElement
Defines the PointerPressed event.
Inherited from InputElement
Defines the PointerReleased event.
Inherited from InputElement
Defines the PointerWheelChanged event.
Inherited from InputElement
Defines the RenderTransformOrigin property.
Inherited from Visual
Defines the RenderTransform property.
Inherited from Visual
Event raised when an element wishes to be scrolled into view.
Inherited from Control
Defines the Tag property.
Inherited from Control
Defines the Tapped event.
Inherited from InputElement
Defines the TemplateApplied routed event.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Defines the TemplatedParent property.
Inherited from StyledElement
Defines the Template property.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Defines the TextInput event.
Inherited from InputElement
Defines the TextInputMethodClientRequested event.
Inherited from InputElement
Defines the TextInputOptionsQuery event.
Inherited from InputElement
Inherited from Visual
Defines the Transitions property.
Inherited from Animatable
Defines the Unchecked event.
Inherited from ToggleButton
Defines the UseLayoutRoundingProperty property.
Inherited from Layoutable
Defines the VerticalAlignment property.
Inherited from Layoutable
Defines the VerticalContentAlignment property.
Inherited from ContentControl
Defines the VisualParent property.
Inherited from Visual
Defines the Width property.
Inherited from Layoutable
Defines the ZIndex property.
Inherited from Visual


Name Value Summary
Background IBrush
Gets or sets the brush used to draw the control's background.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
BorderBrush IBrush
Gets or sets the brush used to draw the control's border.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
BorderThickness Thickness
Gets or sets the thickness of the control's border.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Bounds Rect
Gets the bounds of the control relative to its parent.
Inherited from Visual
Classes Classes
Gets or sets the styled element's classes.
Inherited from StyledElement
ClickMode ClickMode
Gets or sets a value indicating how the Button should react to clicks.
Inherited from Button
Clip Geometry
Gets or sets the geometry clip for this visual.
Inherited from Visual
ClipToBounds bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control should be clipped to its bounds.
Inherited from Visual
Clock IClock
Gets or sets the clock which controls the animations on the control.
Inherited from Animatable
Command ICommand
Gets or sets an ICommand to be invoked when the button is clicked.
Inherited from Button
CommandParameter object
Gets or sets a parameter to be passed to the Command.
Inherited from Button
Content object
Gets or sets the content to display.
Inherited from ContentControl
ContentTemplate IDataTemplate
Gets or sets the data template used to display the content of the control.
Inherited from ContentControl
ContextFlyout FlyoutBase?
Gets or sets a context flyout to the control
Inherited from Control
ContextMenu ContextMenu?
Gets or sets a context menu to the control.
Inherited from Control
Cursor Cursor?
Gets or sets associated mouse cursor.
Inherited from InputElement
DataContext object?
Gets or sets the control's data context.
Inherited from StyledElement
DataTemplates DataTemplates
Gets or sets the data templates for the control.
Inherited from Control
DesiredSize Size
Gets the size that this element computed during the measure pass of the layout process.
Inherited from Layoutable
Flyout FlyoutBase
Gets or sets the Flyout that should be shown with this button
Inherited from Button
Focusable bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can receive focus.
Inherited from InputElement
FocusAdorner ITemplate<IControl>?
Gets or sets the control's focus adorner.
Inherited from Control
FontFamily FontFamily
Gets or sets the font family used to draw the control's text.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
FontSize double
Gets or sets the size of the control's text in points.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
FontStyle FontStyle
Gets or sets the font style used to draw the control's text.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
FontWeight FontWeight
Gets or sets the font weight used to draw the control's text.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Foreground IBrush
Gets or sets the brush used to draw the control's text and other foreground elements.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
GestureRecognizers GestureRecognizerCollection
Inherited from InputElement
Height double
Gets or sets the height of the element.
Inherited from Layoutable
HorizontalAlignment HorizontalAlignment
Gets or sets the element's preferred horizontal alignment in its parent.
Inherited from Layoutable
HorizontalContentAlignment HorizontalAlignment
Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the content within the control.
Inherited from ContentControl
HotKey KeyGesture
Gets or sets an KeyGesture associated with this control
Inherited from Button
InheritanceParent IAvaloniaObject
Gets or sets the parent object that inherited AvaloniaProperty values are inherited from.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
IsArrangeValid bool
Gets a value indicating whether the control's layouts arrange is valid.
Inherited from Layoutable
IsCancel bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the button is the Cancel button for the window.
Inherited from Button
IsChecked bool?
Gets or sets whether the ToggleButton is checked.
Inherited from ToggleButton
IsDefault bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the button is the default button for the window.
Inherited from Button
IsEffectivelyEnabled bool
Gets a value indicating whether this control and all its parents are enabled.
Inherited from InputElement
IsEffectivelyVisible bool
Gets a value indicating whether this control and all its parents are visible.
Inherited from Visual
IsEnabled bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control is enabled for user interaction.
Inherited from InputElement
IsEnabledCore bool
Inherited from Button
IsFocused bool
Gets a value indicating whether the control is focused.
Inherited from InputElement
IsHitTestVisible bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control is considered for hit testing.
Inherited from InputElement
IsInitialized bool
Gets a value that indicates whether the element has finished initialization.
Inherited from StyledElement
IsKeyboardFocusWithin bool
Gets a value indicating whether keyboard focus is anywhere within the element or its visual tree child elements.
Inherited from InputElement
IsMeasureValid bool
Gets a value indicating whether the control's layout measure is valid.
Inherited from Layoutable
IsPointerOver bool
Gets a value indicating whether the pointer is currently over the control.
Inherited from InputElement
IsPressed bool
Inherited from Button
IsThreeState bool
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control supports three states.
Inherited from ToggleButton
IsVisible bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this control is visible.
Inherited from Visual
KeyBindings List<KeyBinding>
Inherited from InputElement
LogicalChildren IAvaloniaList<ILogical>
Gets the styled element's logical children.
Inherited from StyledElement
Margin Thickness
Gets or sets the margin around the element.
Inherited from Layoutable
MaxHeight double
Gets or sets the maximum height of the element.
Inherited from Layoutable
MaxWidth double
Gets or sets the maximum width of the element.
Inherited from Layoutable
MinHeight double
Gets or sets the minimum height of the element.
Inherited from Layoutable
MinWidth double
Gets or sets the minimum width of the element.
Inherited from Layoutable
Name string?
Gets or sets the name of the styled element.
Inherited from StyledElement
OffContent object
Gets or Sets the Content that is displayed when in the Off State.
OffContentPresenter IContentPresenter
OffContentTemplate IDataTemplate
Gets or Sets the IDataTemplate used to display the OffContent.
OnContent object
Gets or Sets the Content that is displayed when in the On State.
OnContentPresenter IContentPresenter
OnContentTemplate IDataTemplate
Gets or Sets the IDataTemplate used to display the OnContent.
Opacity double
Gets or sets the opacity of the control.
Inherited from Visual
OpacityMask IBrush
Gets or sets the opacity mask of the control.
Inherited from Visual
Padding Thickness
Gets or sets the padding placed between the border of the control and its content.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Parent IControl?
Inherited from Control
Parent IStyledElement?
Gets the styled element's logical parent.
Inherited from StyledElement
Presenter IContentPresenter
Gets the presenter from the control's template.
Inherited from ContentControl
PseudoClasses IPseudoClasses
Gets the Classes collection in a form that allows adding and removing pseudoclasses.
Inherited from StyledElement
RenderTransform ITransform
Gets or sets the render transform of the control.
Inherited from Visual
RenderTransformOrigin RelativePoint
Gets or sets the transform origin of the control.
Inherited from Visual
Resources IResourceDictionary
Gets or sets the styled element's resource dictionary.
Inherited from StyledElement
Styles Styles
Gets the styles for the styled element.
Inherited from StyledElement
Tag object?
Gets or sets a user-defined object attached to the control.
Inherited from Control
Template IControlTemplate
Gets or sets the template that defines the control's appearance.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
TemplatedParent ITemplatedControl?
Gets the styled element whose lookless template this styled element is part of.
Inherited from StyledElement
this[AvaloniaProperty] object
Gets or sets the value of a AvaloniaProperty.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
this[IndexerDescriptor] IBinding
Gets or sets a binding for a AvaloniaProperty.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
TransformedBounds TransformedBounds?
Gets the bounds of the control relative to the window, accounting for rendering transforms.
Inherited from Visual
Transitions Transitions?
Gets or sets the property transitions for the control.
Inherited from Animatable
UseLayoutRounding bool
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the element should be snapped to pixel boundaries at layout time.
Inherited from Layoutable
VerticalAlignment VerticalAlignment
Gets or sets the element's preferred vertical alignment in its parent.
Inherited from Layoutable
VerticalContentAlignment VerticalAlignment
Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the content within the control.
Inherited from ContentControl
VisualChildren IAvaloniaList<IVisual>
Gets the control's child visuals.
Inherited from Visual
VisualRoot IRenderRoot
Gets the root of the visual tree, if the control is attached to a visual tree.
Inherited from Visual
Width double
Gets or sets the width of the element.
Inherited from Layoutable
ZIndex int
Gets or sets the Z index of the control.
Inherited from Visual


Name Value Summary
AddHandler(RoutedEvent, Delegate, RoutingStrategies, bool) void
Adds a handler for the specified routed event.
Inherited from Interactive
AddHandler<TEventArgs>(RoutedEvent<TEventArgs>, EventHandler<TEventArgs>, RoutingStrategies, bool) void
Adds a handler for the specified routed event.
Inherited from Interactive
AffectsArrange(AvaloniaProperty[]) void
Marks a property as affecting the control's arrangement.
Inherited from Layoutable
AffectsArrange<T>(AvaloniaProperty[]) void
Marks a property as affecting the control's arrangement.
Inherited from Layoutable
AffectsMeasure(AvaloniaProperty[]) void
Marks a property as affecting the control's measurement.
Inherited from Layoutable
AffectsMeasure<T>(AvaloniaProperty[]) void
Marks a property as affecting the control's measurement.
Inherited from Layoutable
AffectsRender(AvaloniaProperty[]) void
Indicates that a property change should cause InvalidateVisual() to be called.
Inherited from Visual
AffectsRender<T>(AvaloniaProperty[]) void
Indicates that a property change should cause InvalidateVisual() to be called.
Inherited from Visual
ApplyStyling() bool
Applies styling to the control if the control is initialized and styling is not already applied.
Inherited from StyledElement
ApplyTemplate() void
Creates the visual children of the control, if necessary
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Arrange(Rect) void
Arranges the control and its children.
Inherited from Layoutable
ArrangeCore(Rect) void
The default implementation of the control's arrange pass.
Inherited from Layoutable
ArrangeOverride(Size) Size
Positions child elements as part of a layout pass.
Inherited from Layoutable
BeginBatchUpdate() void
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
BeginInit() void
Inherited from StyledElement
Bind<T>(DirectPropertyBase<T>, IObservable<BindingValue<T>>) IDisposable
Binds a AvaloniaProperty to an observable.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
Bind<T>(StyledPropertyBase<T>, IObservable<BindingValue<T>>, BindingPriority) IDisposable
Binds a AvaloniaProperty to an observable.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
BuildEventRoute(RoutedEvent) EventRoute
Builds an event route for a routed event.
Inherited from Interactive
CheckAccess() bool
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
ClearValue(AvaloniaProperty) void
Clears a AvaloniaProperty's local value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
ClearValue<T>(AvaloniaProperty<T>) void
Clears a AvaloniaProperty's local value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
ClearValue<T>(DirectPropertyBase<T>) void
Clears a AvaloniaProperty's local value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
ClearValue<T>(StyledPropertyBase<T>) void
Clears a AvaloniaProperty's local value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
CoerceValue<T>(StyledPropertyBase<T>) void
Coerces the specified AvaloniaProperty.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
DisableTransitions() void
Disables transitions for the control.
Inherited from Animatable
EnableTransitions() void
Enables transitions for the control.
Inherited from Animatable
EndBatchUpdate() void
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
EndInit() void
Inherited from StyledElement
Equals(object) bool
Compares two objects using reference equality.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
Focus() void
Focuses the control.
Inherited from InputElement
GetBaseValue<T>(StyledPropertyBase<T>, BindingPriority) Optional<T>
Gets an AvaloniaProperty base value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
GetHashCode() int
Gets the hash code for the object.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
GetIsTemplateFocusTarget(Control) bool
Gets the value of the IsTemplateFocusTargetProperty attached property on a control.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
GetTemplateFocusTarget() IControl
Gets the element that receives the focus adorner.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
GetValue(AvaloniaProperty) object
Gets a AvaloniaProperty value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
GetValue<T>(DirectPropertyBase<T>) T
Gets a AvaloniaProperty value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
GetValue<T>(StyledPropertyBase<T>) T
Gets a AvaloniaProperty value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
InitializeIfNeeded() void
Inherited from StyledElement
InvalidateArrange() void
Invalidates the arrangement of the control and queues a new layout pass.
Inherited from Layoutable
InvalidateMeasure() void
Invalidates the measurement of the control and queues a new layout pass.
Inherited from Layoutable
InvalidateStyles() void
Inherited from Layoutable
InvalidateVisual() void
Invalidates the visual and queues a repaint.
Inherited from Visual
IsAnimating(AvaloniaProperty) bool
Checks whether a AvaloniaProperty is animating.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
IsSet(AvaloniaProperty) bool
Checks whether a AvaloniaProperty is set on this object.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
LogicalChildrenCollectionChanged(object, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) void
Inherited from Visual
Measure(Size) void
Carries out a measure of the control.
Inherited from Layoutable
MeasureCore(Size) Size
The default implementation of the control's measure pass.
Inherited from Layoutable
MeasureOverride(Size) Size
Measures the control and its child elements as part of a layout pass.
Inherited from Layoutable
NotifyChildResourcesChanged(ResourcesChangedEventArgs) void
Inherited from TemplatedControl
OnApplyTemplate(TemplateAppliedEventArgs) void
OnAttachedToLogicalTree(LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs) void
Inherited from Button
OnAttachedToVisualTree(VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs) void
Called when the control is added to a rooted visual tree.
Inherited from Button
OnAttachedToVisualTreeCore(VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs) void
Inherited from Control
OnChecked(RoutedEventArgs) void
Called when IsChecked becomes true.
Inherited from ToggleButton
OnClick() void
Inherited from ToggleButton
OnDataContextBeginUpdate() void
Called when the DataContext begins updating.
Inherited from StyledElement
OnDataContextChanged(EventArgs) void
Called when the DataContext property changes.
Inherited from StyledElement
OnDataContextEndUpdate() void
Called when the DataContext finishes updating.
Inherited from StyledElement
OnDetachedFromLogicalTree(LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs) void
Inherited from Button
OnDetachedFromVisualTree(VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs) void
Called when the control is removed from a rooted visual tree.
Inherited from Button
OnDetachedFromVisualTreeCore(VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs) void
Inherited from Control
OnGotFocus(GotFocusEventArgs) void
Called before the GotFocus event occurs.
Inherited from Control
OnIndeterminate(RoutedEventArgs) void
Called when IsChecked becomes null.
Inherited from ToggleButton
OnInitialized() void
Called when the control finishes initialization.
Inherited from StyledElement
OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs) void
Called before the KeyDown event occurs.
Inherited from Button
OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs) void
Called before the KeyUp event occurs.
Inherited from Button
OnLostFocus(RoutedEventArgs) void
Called before the LostFocus event occurs.
Inherited from Control
OnMeasureInvalidated() void
Called by InvalidateMeasure
Inherited from Layoutable
OnPointerCaptureLost(PointerCaptureLostEventArgs) void
Inherited from Button
OnPointerEnter(PointerEventArgs) void
Called before the PointerEnter event occurs.
Inherited from InputElement
OnPointerLeave(PointerEventArgs) void
Called before the PointerLeave event occurs.
Inherited from InputElement
OnPointerMoved(PointerEventArgs) void
Called before the PointerMoved event occurs.
Inherited from InputElement
OnPointerPressed(PointerPressedEventArgs) void
Called before the PointerPressed event occurs.
Inherited from Button
OnPointerReleased(PointerReleasedEventArgs) void
Called before the PointerReleased event occurs.
Inherited from Button
OnPointerWheelChanged(PointerWheelEventArgs) void
Called before the PointerWheelChanged event occurs.
Inherited from InputElement
OnPropertyChanged<T>(AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs<T>) void
Inherited from Button
OnPropertyChangedCore<T>(AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs<T>) void
Inherited from Animatable
OnTemplateApplied(TemplateAppliedEventArgs) void
Called when the control's template is applied.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
OnTemplateChanged(AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs) void
Called when the Template property changes.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
OnTextInput(TextInputEventArgs) void
Called before the TextInput event occurs.
Inherited from InputElement
OnUnchecked(RoutedEventArgs) void
Called when IsChecked becomes false.
Inherited from ToggleButton
OnVisualParentChanged(IVisual, IVisual) void
Called when the control's visual parent changes.
Inherited from Layoutable
OpenFlyout() void
Inherited from Button
RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs) void
Raises a routed event.
Inherited from Interactive
RegisterContentPresenter(IContentPresenter) bool
RemoveHandler(RoutedEvent, Delegate) void
Removes a handler for the specified routed event.
Inherited from Interactive
RemoveHandler<TEventArgs>(RoutedEvent<TEventArgs>, EventHandler<TEventArgs>) void
Removes a handler for the specified routed event.
Inherited from Interactive
Render(DrawingContext) void
Renders the visual to a DrawingContext.
Inherited from Visual
SetIsTemplateFocusTarget(Control, bool) void
Sets the value of the IsTemplateFocusTargetProperty attached property on a control.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
SetValue(AvaloniaProperty, object, BindingPriority) void
Sets a AvaloniaProperty value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
SetValue<T>(DirectPropertyBase<T>, T) void
Sets a AvaloniaProperty value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
SetValue<T>(StyledPropertyBase<T>, T, BindingPriority) IDisposable
Sets a AvaloniaProperty value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
Toggle() void
UpdateDataValidation<T>(AvaloniaProperty<T>, BindingValue<T>) void
Inherited from Button
UpdateIsEffectivelyEnabled() void
Updates the IsEffectivelyEnabled property value according to the parent control's enabled state and IsEnabledCore.
Inherited from InputElement
UpdateKnobPos(bool) void
VerifyAccess() void
Inherited from AvaloniaObject

Extension Methods

Name Value Summary
AddDisposableHandler<TEventArgs>(RoutedEvent<TEventArgs>, EventHandler<TEventArgs>, RoutingStrategies, bool) IDisposable
Adds a handler for the specified routed event and returns a disposable that can terminate the event subscription.
Bind(AvaloniaProperty, IObservable<BindingValue<object>>, BindingPriority) IDisposable
Binds a AvaloniaProperty to an observable.
Bind<T>(AvaloniaProperty<T>, IObservable<BindingValue<T>>, BindingPriority) IDisposable
Binds a AvaloniaProperty to an observable.
BindClass(string, IBinding, object) IDisposable
BringIntoView() void
Tries to bring the control into view.
BringIntoView(Rect) void
Tries to bring the control into view.
CalculateDistanceFromAncestor(IVisual) int
Calculates the distance from a visual's ancestor.
Find<T>(string) T
Finds a named element in an INameScope.
FindAncestorOfType<T>(bool) T
Finds first ancestor of given type.
FindCommonVisualAncestor(IVisual) IVisual
Tries to get the first common ancestor of two visuals.
FindControl<T>(string) T
Finds the named control in the scope of the specified control.
FindDataTemplate(object, IDataTemplate?) IDataTemplate?
Find a data template that matches a piece of data.
FindDescendantOfType<T>(bool) T
Finds first descendant of given type.
FindLogicalAncestorOfType<T>(bool) T
Finds first ancestor of given type.
FindLogicalDescendantOfType<T>(bool) T
Finds first descendant of given type.
FindNameScope() INameScope
FindResource(object) object?
Finds the specified resource by searching up the logical tree and then global styles.
Get<T>(string) T
Gets a named element from an INameScope or throws if no element of the requested name was found.
GetBindingObservable(AvaloniaProperty) IObservable<BindingValue<object>>
Gets an observable for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetBindingObservable<T>(AvaloniaProperty<T>) IObservable<BindingValue<T>>
Gets an observable for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetBindingSubject(AvaloniaProperty, BindingPriority) ISubject<BindingValue<object>>
Gets a subject for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetBindingSubject<T>(AvaloniaProperty<T>, BindingPriority) ISubject<BindingValue<T>>
Gets a subject for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetDiagnostic(AvaloniaProperty) AvaloniaPropertyValue
Gets a diagnostic for a AvaloniaProperty on a AvaloniaObject.
GetInputElementsAt(Point) IEnumerable<IInputElement>
Returns the active input elements at a point on an IInputElement.
GetLogicalAncestors() IEnumerable<ILogical>
Enumerates the ancestors of an ILogical in the logical tree.
GetLogicalChildren() IEnumerable<ILogical>
Enumerates the children of an ILogical in the logical tree.
GetLogicalDescendants() IEnumerable<ILogical>
Enumerates the descendants of an ILogical in the logical tree.
GetLogicalParent() ILogical
Gets the logical parent of an ILogical.
GetLogicalParent<T>() T
Gets the logical parent of an ILogical.
GetLogicalSiblings() IEnumerable<ILogical>
Enumerates the siblings of an ILogical in the logical tree.
GetObservable(AvaloniaProperty) IObservable<object>
Gets an observable for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetObservable<T>(AvaloniaProperty<T>) IObservable<T>
Gets an observable for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetObservable<TEventArgs>(RoutedEvent<TEventArgs>, RoutingStrategies, bool) IObservable<TEventArgs>
Gets an observable for a RoutedEvent<TEventArgs>.
GetPropertyChangedObservable(AvaloniaProperty) IObservable<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
Gets an observable that listens for property changed events for an AvaloniaProperty.
GetResourceObservable(object, Func<object?, object?>?) IObservable<object?>
GetSelfAndLogicalAncestors() IEnumerable<ILogical>
Enumerates an ILogical and its ancestors in the logical tree.
GetSelfAndLogicalDescendants() IEnumerable<ILogical>
Enumerates an ILogical and its descendants in the logical tree.
GetSelfAndVisualAncestors() IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates an IVisual and its ancestors in the visual tree.
GetSelfAndVisualDescendants() IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates an IVisual and its descendants in the visual tree.
GetStyleDiagnostics() StyleDiagnostics
Gets a style diagnostics for a StyledElement.
GetSubject(AvaloniaProperty, BindingPriority) ISubject<object>
Gets a subject for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetSubject<T>(AvaloniaProperty<T>, BindingPriority) ISubject<T>
Gets a subject for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetTemplateChildren() IEnumerable<IControl>
GetVisualAncestors() IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates the ancestors of an IVisual in the visual tree.
GetVisualAt(Point) IVisual
Gets the first visual in the visual tree whose bounds contain a point.
GetVisualAt(Point, Func<IVisual, bool>) IVisual
Gets the first visual in the visual tree whose bounds contain a point.
GetVisualChildren() IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates the children of an IVisual in the visual tree.
GetVisualDescendants() IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates the descendants of an IVisual in the visual tree.
GetVisualParent() IVisual
Gets the visual parent of an IVisual.
GetVisualParent<T>() T
Gets the visual parent of an IVisual.
GetVisualRoot() IRenderRoot
Gets the root visual for an IVisual.
GetVisualsAt(Point) IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates the visible visuals in the visual tree whose bounds contain a point.
GetVisualsAt(Point, Func<IVisual, bool>) IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates the visuals in the visual tree whose bounds contain a point.
HitTestCustom(Point) bool
InputHitTest(Point) IInputElement?
Returns the topmost active input element at a point on an IInputElement.
InputHitTest(Point, Func<IVisual, bool>) IInputElement?
Returns the topmost active input element at a point on an IInputElement.
IsLogicalAncestorOf(ILogical) bool
Tests whether an ILogical is an ancestor of another logical.
IsVisualAncestorOf(IVisual) bool
Tests whether an IVisual is an ancestor of another visual.
PointToClient(PixelPoint) Point
Converts a point from screen to client coordinates.
PointToScreen(Point) PixelPoint
Converts a point from client to screen coordinates.
RegisterInNameScope<ToggleSwitch>(INameScope) T
TransformToVisual(IVisual) Matrix?
Returns a transform that transforms the visual's coordinates into the coordinates of the specified to.
TranslatePoint(Point, IVisual) Point?
Translates a point relative to this visual to coordinates that are relative to the specified visual.
TryFindResource(object, object?) bool
Tries to the specified resource by searching up the logical tree and then global styles.