
DrawRectangle(IBrush, IPen, Rect, double, double, BoxShadows) Method


Draws a rectangle with the specified Brush and Pen.
Containing Type


public void DrawRectangle(IBrush brush, IPen pen, Rect rect, double radiusX = 0, double radiusY = 0, BoxShadows boxShadows = default(BoxShadows))


The brush and the pen can both be null. If the brush is null, then no fill is performed. If the pen is null, then no stoke is performed. If both the pen and the brush are null, then the drawing is not visible.


Name Type Description
brush IBrush The brush used to fill the rectangle, or null for no fill.
pen IPen The pen used to stroke the rectangle, or null for no stroke.
rect Rect The rectangle bounds.
radiusX double The radius in the X dimension of the rounded corners. This value will be clamped to the range of 0 to Width/2
radiusY double The radius in the Y dimension of the rounded corners. This value will be clamped to the range of 0 to Height/2
boxShadows BoxShadows Box shadow effect parameters

Return Value

Type Description