ITextInputMethodClient Interface

graph BT Type["ITextInputMethodClient"] class Type type-node


public interface ITextInputMethodClient


Name Type Summary
CursorRectangleChanged EventHandler
Should be fired when cursor rectangle is changed inside the TextViewVisual
SurroundingTextChanged EventHandler
Should be fired when surrounding text changed
TextViewVisualChanged EventHandler
Should be fired when text-hosting visual is changed


Name Value Summary
CursorRectangle Rect
The cursor rectangle relative to the TextViewVisual
SupportsPreedit bool
Indicates if TextViewVisual is capable of displaying non-commited input on the cursor position
SupportsSurroundingText bool
Indicates if text input client is capable of providing the text around the cursor
SurroundingText TextInputMethodSurroundingText
Returns the text around the cursor, usually the current paragraph, the cursor position inside that text and selection start position
TextAfterCursor string
Returns the text before the cursor. Must return a non-empty string if cursor is not at the end of the text entry
TextBeforeCursor string
Returns the text before the cursor. Must return a non-empty string if cursor is not at the beginning of the text entry
TextViewVisual IVisual
The visual that's showing the text


Name Value Summary
SetPreeditText(string) void
Sets the non-commited input string