IMainMenu Interface


Defines the interface for a window's main menu.
Implementing Types
graph BT Type-.->Interface0["IVisual"] click Interface0 "/api/Avalonia.VisualTree/IVisual" Type["IMainMenu"] class Type type-node Implementing0["Menu"]-.->Type click Implementing0 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/Menu"


public interface IMainMenu : IVisual


Name Type Summary
MenuClosed EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs>
Occurs when the main menu closes.


Name Value Summary
IsOpen bool
Gets a value indicating whether the menu is open.


Name Value Summary
Close() void
Closes the menu.
Open() void
Opens the menu in response to the Alt/F10 key.

Extension Methods

Name Value Summary
CalculateDistanceFromAncestor(IVisual) int
Calculates the distance from a visual's ancestor.
FindAncestorOfType<T>(bool) T
Finds first ancestor of given type.
FindCommonVisualAncestor(IVisual) IVisual
Tries to get the first common ancestor of two visuals.
FindDescendantOfType<T>(bool) T
Finds first descendant of given type.
GetSelfAndVisualAncestors() IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates an IVisual and its ancestors in the visual tree.
GetSelfAndVisualDescendants() IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates an IVisual and its descendants in the visual tree.
GetVisualAncestors() IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates the ancestors of an IVisual in the visual tree.
GetVisualAt(Point) IVisual
Gets the first visual in the visual tree whose bounds contain a point.
GetVisualAt(Point, Func<IVisual, bool>) IVisual
Gets the first visual in the visual tree whose bounds contain a point.
GetVisualChildren() IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates the children of an IVisual in the visual tree.
GetVisualDescendants() IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates the descendants of an IVisual in the visual tree.
GetVisualParent() IVisual
Gets the visual parent of an IVisual.
GetVisualParent<T>() T
Gets the visual parent of an IVisual.
GetVisualRoot() IRenderRoot
Gets the root visual for an IVisual.
GetVisualsAt(Point) IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates the visible visuals in the visual tree whose bounds contain a point.
GetVisualsAt(Point, Func<IVisual, bool>) IEnumerable<IVisual>
Enumerates the visuals in the visual tree whose bounds contain a point.
HitTestCustom(Point) bool
IsVisualAncestorOf(IVisual) bool
Tests whether an IVisual is an ancestor of another visual.
PointToClient(PixelPoint) Point
Converts a point from screen to client coordinates.
PointToScreen(Point) PixelPoint
Converts a point from client to screen coordinates.
TransformToVisual(IVisual) Matrix?
Returns a transform that transforms the visual's coordinates into the coordinates of the specified to.
TranslatePoint(Point, IVisual) Point?
Translates a point relative to this visual to coordinates that are relative to the specified visual.