ILogicalRoot Interface


Represents a root of a logical tree.
graph BT Type-.->Interface0["ILogical"] click Interface0 "/api/Avalonia.LogicalTree/ILogical" Type["ILogicalRoot"] class Type type-node Implementing0["AboutAvaloniaDialog"]-.->Type click Implementing0 "/api/Avalonia.Dialogs/AboutAvaloniaDialog" Implementing1["TopLevel"]-.->Type click Implementing1 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/TopLevel" Implementing2["ReactiveWindow<TViewModel>"]-.->Type click Implementing2 "/api/Avalonia.ReactiveUI/ReactiveWindow_1" Implementing3["EmbeddableControlRoot"]-.->Type click Implementing3 "/api/Avalonia.Controls.Embedding/EmbeddableControlRoot" Implementing4["PopupRoot"]-.->Type click Implementing4 "/api/Avalonia.Controls.Primitives/PopupRoot" Implementing5["Window"]-.->Type click Implementing5 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/Window" Implementing6["WindowBase"]-.->Type click Implementing6 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/WindowBase"


public interface ILogicalRoot : ILogical

Extension Methods

Name Value Summary
Find<T>(string) T
Finds a named element in an INameScope.
FindLogicalAncestorOfType<T>(bool) T
Finds first ancestor of given type.
FindLogicalDescendantOfType<T>(bool) T
Finds first descendant of given type.
FindNameScope() INameScope
Get<T>(string) T
Gets a named element from an INameScope or throws if no element of the requested name was found.
GetLogicalAncestors() IEnumerable<ILogical>
Enumerates the ancestors of an ILogical in the logical tree.
GetLogicalChildren() IEnumerable<ILogical>
Enumerates the children of an ILogical in the logical tree.
GetLogicalDescendants() IEnumerable<ILogical>
Enumerates the descendants of an ILogical in the logical tree.
GetLogicalParent() ILogical
Gets the logical parent of an ILogical.
GetLogicalParent<T>() T
Gets the logical parent of an ILogical.
GetLogicalSiblings() IEnumerable<ILogical>
Enumerates the siblings of an ILogical in the logical tree.
GetSelfAndLogicalAncestors() IEnumerable<ILogical>
Enumerates an ILogical and its ancestors in the logical tree.
GetSelfAndLogicalDescendants() IEnumerable<ILogical>
Enumerates an ILogical and its descendants in the logical tree.
IsLogicalAncestorOf(ILogical) bool
Tests whether an ILogical is an ancestor of another logical.