IGeometryImpl Interface


Defines the platform-specific interface for a Geometry.
graph BT Type["IGeometryImpl"] class Type type-node Implementing0["IStreamGeometryImpl"]-.->Type click Implementing0 "/api/Avalonia.Platform/IStreamGeometryImpl" Implementing1["ITransformedGeometryImpl"]-.->Type click Implementing1 "/api/Avalonia.Platform/ITransformedGeometryImpl"


public interface IGeometryImpl


Name Value Summary
Bounds Rect
Gets the geometry's bounding rectangle.
ContourLength double
Gets the geometry's total length as if all its contours are placed in a straight line.


Name Value Summary
FillContains(Point) bool
Indicates whether the geometry's fill contains the specified point.
GetRenderBounds(IPen) Rect
Gets the geometry's bounding rectangle with the specified pen.
Intersect(IGeometryImpl) IGeometryImpl
Intersects the geometry with another geometry.
StrokeContains(IPen, Point) bool
Indicates whether the geometry's stroke contains the specified point.
TryGetPointAndTangentAtDistance(double, Point, Point) bool
Attempts to get the corresponding point and tangent from the specified distance along the contour of the geometry.
TryGetPointAtDistance(double, Point) bool
Attempts to get the corresponding point at the specified distance
TryGetSegment(double, double, bool, IGeometryImpl) bool
Attempts to get the corresponding path segment given by the two distances specified. Imagine it like snipping a part of the current geometry.
WithTransform(Matrix) ITransformedGeometryImpl
Makes a clone of the geometry with the specified transform.