Animatable |
Base class for all animatable objects.
Animation |
Tracks the progress of an animation.
AnimatorKeyFrame |
Defines a KeyFrame that is used for
Animator<T> objects.
Clock |
ClockBase |
CompositePageTransition |
Defines a composite page transition that can be used to combine multiple transitions.
CornerRadiusTransition |
Transition class that handles AvaloniaProperty with CornerRadius type.
CrossFade |
Defines a cross-fade animation between two IVisual s.
CueTypeConverter |
DoubleTransition |
Transition class that handles AvaloniaProperty with double types.
FloatTransition |
Transition class that handles AvaloniaProperty with float types.
IntegerTransition |
Transition class that handles AvaloniaProperty with int types.
IterationCountTypeConverter |
KeyFrame |
Stores data regarding a specific key
point and value in an animation.
KeyFrames |
A collection of KeyFrame s.
KeySpline |
Determines how an animation is used based on a cubic bezier curve.
X1 and X2 must be between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.
KeySplineTypeConverter |
Converts string values to KeySpline values
PageSlide |
Transitions between two pages by sliding them horizontally.
PointTransition |
Transition class that handles AvaloniaProperty with Point type.
RenderLoopClock |
SizeTransition |
Transition class that handles AvaloniaProperty with Size type.
ThicknessTransition |
Transition class that handles AvaloniaProperty with Thickness type.
TransformOperationsTransition |
Transition<T> |
Defines how a property should be animated using a transition.
Transitions |
A collection of ITransition definitions.
VectorTransition |
Transition class that handles AvaloniaProperty with Vector type.