AvaloniaPropertyAccessorPlugin |
Reads a property from a AvaloniaObject .
DataAnnotationsValidationPlugin |
Validates properties on that have ValidationAttribute s.
DataValidationBase |
Base class for data validators.
ExceptionValidationPlugin |
Validates properties that report errors by throwing exceptions.
IndeiValidationPlugin |
Validates properties on objects that implement INotifyDataErrorInfo .
InpcPropertyAccessorPlugin |
Reads a property from a standard C# object that optionally supports the
INotifyPropertyChanged interface.
MethodAccessorPlugin |
ObservableStreamPlugin |
Handles binding to IObservable<T> s for the '^' stream binding operator.
PropertyAccessorBase |
Defines a default base implementation for a IPropertyAccessor .
PropertyError |
An IPropertyAccessor that represents an error.
TaskStreamPlugin |
Handles binding to Task s for the '^' stream binding operator.