Avalonia.Data.Core.Plugins Namespace

Class Types

Class Summary
AvaloniaPropertyAccessorPlugin Reads a property from a AvaloniaObject.
DataAnnotationsValidationPlugin Validates properties on that have ValidationAttributes.
DataValidationBase Base class for data validators.
ExceptionValidationPlugin Validates properties that report errors by throwing exceptions.
IndeiValidationPlugin Validates properties on objects that implement INotifyDataErrorInfo.
InpcPropertyAccessorPlugin Reads a property from a standard C# object that optionally supports the INotifyPropertyChanged interface.
ObservableStreamPlugin Handles binding to IObservable<T>s for the '^' stream binding operator.
PropertyAccessorBase Defines a default base implementation for a IPropertyAccessor.
PropertyError An IPropertyAccessor that represents an error.
TaskStreamPlugin Handles binding to Tasks for the '^' stream binding operator.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
IDataValidationPlugin Defines how data validation is observed by an ExpressionObserver.
IPropertyAccessor Defines an accessor to a property on an object returned by a IPropertyAccessorPlugin
IPropertyAccessorPlugin Defines how a member is read, written and observed by an ExpressionObserver.
IStreamPlugin Defines a plugin that handles the '^' stream binding operator.