AppBuilderBase<TAppBuilder> |
Base class for initializing platform-specific services for an Application .
AutoCompleteBox |
Represents a control that provides a text box for user input and a
drop-down that contains possible matches based on the input in the text
Border |
A control which decorates a child with a border and background.
Button |
A button control.
ButtonSpinner |
Represents a spinner control that includes two Buttons.
Calendar |
Represents a control that enables a user to select a date by using a
visual calendar display.
CalendarDateChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the
CalendarDatePicker |
CalendarDatePickerDateValidationErrorEventArgs |
Provides data for the
CalendarDateRange |
CalendarModeChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the
Canvas |
A panel that displays child controls at arbitrary locations.
Carousel |
An items control that displays its items as pages that fill the control.
CheckBox |
A check box control.
ChildNameScope |
Classes |
Holds a collection of style classes for an IStyledElement .
ColumnDefinition |
Holds a column definitions for a Grid .
ColumnDefinitions |
A collection of ColumnDefinition s.
ComboBox |
A drop-down list control.
ComboBoxItem |
A selectable item in a ComboBox .
ContentControl |
Displays Content according to a FuncDataTemplate .
ContextMenu |
A control context menu.
Control |
Base class for Avalonia controls.
ControlExtensions |
Adds common functionality to IControl .
Controls |
A collection of Control s.
DataGrid |
Displays data in a customizable grid.
DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs |
Provides data for the AutoGeneratingColumn event.
DataGridBeginningEditEventArgs |
Provides data for the BeginningEdit event.
DataGridBoundColumn |
Represents a DataGrid column that can
bind to a property in the grid's data source.
DataGridCell |
Represents an individual DataGrid cell.
DataGridCellEditEndedEventArgs |
Provides information just after a cell has exited editing mode.
DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs |
Provides information just before a cell exits editing mode.
DataGridCellPointerPressedEventArgs |
Provides information after the cell has been pressed.
DataGridCheckBoxColumn |
Represents a System.Windows.Controls.DataGrid column that hosts
System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox controls in its cells.
DataGridColumn |
DataGridColumnEventArgs |
Provides data for DataGrid column-related events.
DataGridColumnHeader |
Represents an individual DataGrid column header.
DataGridColumnReorderingEventArgs |
Provides data for the ColumnReordering event.
DataGridLengthConverter |
DataGridLengthConverter - Converter class for converting instances of other types to and from DataGridLength instances.
DataGridPreparingCellForEditEventArgs |
Provides data for the PreparingCellForEdit event.
DataGridRow |
Represents a DataGrid row.
DataGridRowClipboardEventArgs |
This class encapsulates a selected row's information necessary for the CopyingRowClipboardContent event.
DataGridRowDetailsEventArgs |
Provides data for the LoadingRowDetails , UnloadingRowDetails ,
and RowDetailsVisibilityChanged events.
DataGridRowEditEndedEventArgs |
Provides information just after a row has exited edit mode.
DataGridRowEditEndingEventArgs |
Provides information just before a row exits editing mode.
DataGridRowEventArgs |
Provides data for DataGrid row-related events.
DataGridRowGroupHeader |
DataGridRowGroupHeaderEventArgs |
EventArgs used for the DataGrid's LoadingRowGroup and UnloadingRowGroup events
DataGridTemplateColumn |
DataGridTextColumn |
Represents a DataGrid column that hosts textual content in its cells.
DataValidationErrors |
A control which displays an error notifier when there is a DataValidationError.
Provides attached properties to track errors on a control
DatePicker |
A control to allow the user to select a date
DatePickerPresenter |
Defines the presenter used for selecting a date for a
DatePickerSelectedValueChangedEventArgs |
Defines the argument passed when the DatePicker SelectedDate changes
Decorator |
Base class for controls which decorate a single child control.
DefinitionBase |
DefinitionBase provides core functionality used internally by Grid
and ColumnDefinitionCollection / RowDefinitionCollection
DefinitionList<T> |
Design |
DesktopApplicationExtensions |
DockPanel |
A panel which arranges its children at the top, bottom, left, right or center.
DrawingPresenter |
DropDown |
DropDownItem |
ElementFactory |
ElementFactoryGetArgs |
Represents the optional arguments to use when calling an implementation of the
IElementFactory 's GetElement(ElementFactoryGetArgs) method.
ElementFactoryRecycleArgs |
Represents the optional arguments to use when calling an implementation of the
IElementFactory 's GetElement(ElementFactoryGetArgs) method.
Expander |
ExperimentalAcrylicBorder |
FileDialog |
FileDialogFilter |
FileSystemDialog |
Flyout |
FlyoutPresenter |
Grid |
GridSplitter |
Represents the control that redistributes space between columns or rows of a Grid control.
HotKeyManager |
IconElement |
Image |
Displays a Bitmap image.
ItemsControl |
Displays a collection of items.
ItemsRepeater |
Represents a data-driven collection control that incorporates a flexible layout system,
custom views, and virtualization.
ItemsRepeaterElementClearingEventArgs |
Provides data for the ElementClearing event.
ItemsRepeaterElementIndexChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the ElementIndexChanged event.
ItemsRepeaterElementPreparedEventArgs |
Provides data for the ElementPrepared event.
ItemsSourceView |
Represents a standardized view of the supported interactions between a given ItemsSource
object and an ItemsRepeater control.
ItemsSourceView<T> |
Label |
Label control. Focuses Target on pointer click or access key press (Alt + accessKey)
LayoutTransformControl |
Control that implements support for transformations as if applied by LayoutTransform.
ListBox |
An ItemsControl in which individual items can be selected.
ListBoxItem |
A selectable item in a ListBox .
Menu |
A top-level menu control.
MenuBase |
Base class for menu controls.
MenuFlyout |
MenuFlyoutPresenter |
MenuItem |
A menu item control.
MenuItemAccessKeyHandler |
Handles access keys within a MenuItem
NameScope |
Implements a name scope.
NameScopeEventArgs |
NameScopeExtensions |
Extension methods for INameScope .
NameScopeLocator |
NativeControlHost |
NativeMenu |
NativeMenuBar |
NativeMenuItem |
NativeMenuItemBase |
NativeMenuItemSeparator |
NativeMenuItemSeperator |
NumericUpDown |
Control that represents a TextBox with button spinners that allow incrementing and decrementing numeric values.
NumericUpDownValueChangedEventArgs |
OpenFileDialog |
OpenFolderDialog |
Panel |
Base class for controls that can contain multiple children.
PathIcon |
PixelPointEventArgs |
Provides PixelPoint data for events.
PopulatedEventArgs |
Provides data for the
PopulatingEventArgs |
Provides data for the
ProgressBar |
A control used to indicate the progress of an operation.
PseudolassesExtensions |
RadioButton |
RecyclePool |
RecyclingElementFactory |
RelativePanel |
RepeatButton |
RequestBringIntoViewEventArgs |
ResolveByNameAttribute |
Indicates that the property resolves an element by Name or x:Name.
When applying this to attached properties, ensure to put on both
the Getter and Setter methods.
ResourceDictionary |
An indexed dictionary of resources.
ResourceNodeExtensions |
ResourcesChangedEventArgs |
ReversibleStackPanel |
Implements a StackPanel where the flow direction of its items can be reversed.
RowDefinition |
Holds a row definitions for a Grid .
RowDefinitions |
A collection of RowDefinition s.
SaveFileDialog |
Screens |
ScrollChangedEventArgs |
Describes a change in scrolling state.
ScrollViewer |
A control scrolls its content if the content is bigger than the space available.
SelectionChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the SelectionChanged event.
SelectTemplateEventArgs |
Separator |
A separator control.
Slider |
A control that lets the user select from a range of values by moving a Thumb control along a Track.
SpinEventArgs |
Provides data for the Spinner.Spin event.
Spinner |
Base class for controls that represents controls that can spin.
SplitView |
A control with two views: A collapsible pane and an area for content
SplitViewPaneClosingEventArgs |
SplitViewTemplateSettings |
StackPanel |
A panel which lays out its children horizontally or vertically.
SystemDialog |
TabControl |
A tab control that displays a tab strip along with the content of the selected tab.
TabItem |
An item in a TabStrip or TabControl .
TextBlock |
A control that displays a block of text.
TextBox |
TickBar |
An element that is used for drawing Slider 's Ticks.
TimePicker |
A control to allow the user to select a time
TimePickerPresenter |
Defines the presenter used for selecting a time. Intended for use with
TimePicker but can be used independently
TimePickerSelectedValueChangedEventArgs |
ToggleSwitch |
A Toggle Switch control.
ToolTip |
A control which pops up a hint when a control is hovered.
TopLevel |
Base class for top-level widgets.
TreeView |
Displays a hierarchical tree of data.
TreeViewItem |
An item in a TreeView .
UserControl |
Provides the base class for defining a new control that encapsulates related existing controls and provides its own logic.
Viewbox |
Viewbox is used to scale single child.
VirtualizingStackPanel |
Window |
A top-level window.
WindowBase |
Base class for top-level windows.
WindowIcon |
Represents an icon for a window.
WrapPanel |
Positions child elements in sequential position from left to right,
breaking content to the next line at the edge of the containing box.
Subsequent ordering happens sequentially from top to bottom or from right to left,
depending on the value of the Orientation property.