Avalonia.Animation Namespace

Class Types

Class Summary
Animatable Base class for all animatable objects.
Animation Tracks the progress of an animation.
AnimatorKeyFrame Defines a KeyFrame that is used for Animator<T> objects.
CompositePageTransition Defines a composite page transition that can be used to combine multiple transitions.
CornerRadiusTransition Transition class that handles AvaloniaProperty with CornerRadius type.
CrossFade Defines a cross-fade animation between two IVisuals.
DoubleTransition Transition class that handles AvaloniaProperty with double types.
FloatTransition Transition class that handles AvaloniaProperty with float types.
IntegerTransition Transition class that handles AvaloniaProperty with int types.
KeyFrame Stores data regarding a specific key point and value in an animation.
KeyFrames A collection of KeyFrames.
KeySpline Determines how an animation is used based on a cubic bezier curve. X1 and X2 must be between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.windows.media.animation.keyspline
KeySplineTypeConverter Converts string values to KeySpline values
PageSlide Transitions between two pages by sliding them horizontally.
PointTransition Transition class that handles AvaloniaProperty with Point type.
SizeTransition Transition class that handles AvaloniaProperty with Size type.
ThicknessTransition Transition class that handles AvaloniaProperty with Thickness type.
Transition<T> Defines how a property should be animated using a transition.
Transitions A collection of ITransition definitions.
VectorTransition Transition class that handles AvaloniaProperty with Vector type.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
IAnimation Interface for Animation objects
IAnimator Interface for Animator objects
IPageTransition Interface for animations that transition between two pages.
ITransition Interface for Transition objects.

Struct Types

Struct Summary
Cue Determines the time index for a KeyFrame.
IterationCount Determines the number of iterations of an animation. Also defines its repeat behavior.

Enum Types

Enum Summary
IterationType Defines the valid modes for a IterationCount.
PlaybackDirection Determines the playback direction of an animation.
PlayState Determines the playback state of an animation.
