AppBuilderBase<TAppBuilder> Class


Base class for initializing platform-specific services for an Application.
Base Types
  • object
Derived Types
graph BT Type-->Base0["object"] Type["AppBuilderBase<TAppBuilder>"] class Type type-node Derived0["AppBuilder"]-->Type click Derived0 "/api/Avalonia/AppBuilder"


public abstract class AppBuilderBase<TAppBuilder> 
    where TAppBuilder : AppBuilderBase<TAppBuilder>, new()

Type Parameters

Name Description
TAppBuilder The type of the AppBuilder class itself.



Name Value Summary
AfterPlatformServicesSetupCallback Action<TAppBuilder>
AfterSetupCallback Action<TAppBuilder>
Gets or sets a method to call after the Application is setup.
ApplicationType Type
Gets the type of the Instance (even if it's not created yet)
CheckSetup bool
Instance Application
Gets the Application instance being initialized.
RenderingSubsystemInitializer Action
Gets or sets a method to call the initialize the windowing subsystem.
RenderingSubsystemName string
Gets the name of the currently selected rendering subsystem.
RuntimePlatform IRuntimePlatform
Gets or sets the IRuntimePlatform instance.
RuntimePlatformServicesInitializer Action
Gets or sets a method to call the initialize the runtime platform services (e. g. AssetLoader)
Self TAppBuilder
WindowingSubsystemInitializer Action
Gets or sets a method to call the initialize the windowing subsystem.
WindowingSubsystemName string
Gets the name of the currently selected windowing subsystem.


Name Value Summary
AfterPlatformServicesSetup(Action<TAppBuilder>) TAppBuilder
AfterSetup(Action<TAppBuilder>) TAppBuilder
Configure<TApp>() TAppBuilder
Begin configuring an Application.
Configure<TApp>(Func<TApp>) TAppBuilder
Begin configuring an Application.
SetupWithLifetime(IApplicationLifetime) TAppBuilder
Sets up the platform-specific services for the application and initialized it with a particular lifetime, but does not run it.
SetupWithoutStarting() TAppBuilder
Sets up the platform-specific services for the application, but does not run it.
Start() void
Start(AppBuilderBase<TAppBuilder>.AppMainDelegate, string[]) void
Start<TMainWindow>(Func<object>) void
Starts the application with an instance of TMainWindow.
UseAvaloniaModules() TAppBuilder
UseRenderingSubsystem(Action, string) TAppBuilder
Specifies a rendering subsystem to use.
UseRenderingSubsystem(string) TAppBuilder
Specifies a rendering subsystem to use.
UseWindowingSubsystem(Action, string) TAppBuilder
Specifies a windowing subsystem to use.
UseWindowingSubsystem(string) TAppBuilder
Specifies a windowing subsystem to use.
With<T>(Func<T>) TAppBuilder
Configures platform-specific options
With<T>(T) TAppBuilder
Configures platform-specific options