- Namespace
- Avalonia
.Controls - Interfaces
- IAvaloniaObjectDebug
- I
Notify Property Changed - IValueSink
- ISetLogicalParent
- I
Set Inheritance Parent - I
Visual Brush Initialize - ISetterValue
- IContentControl
- IControl
- IDataTemplateHost
- ILayoutable
- IInputElement
- IInteractive
- IVisual
- IStyledElement
- IStyleHost
- ILogical
- IResourceHost
- IResourceNode
- IDataContextProvider
- ISupportInitialize
- I
Content Presenter Host - ITemplatedControl
- ISelectable
- IStyleable
- IAvaloniaObject
- INamed
- Base Types
graph BT
click Base0 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/ComboBoxItem"
click Base1 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/ListBoxItem"
click Base2 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/ContentControl"
click Base3 "/api/Avalonia.Controls.Primitives/TemplatedControl"
click Base4 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/Control"
click Base5 "/api/Avalonia.Input/InputElement"
click Base6 "/api/Avalonia.Interactivity/Interactive"
click Base7 "/api/Avalonia.Layout/Layoutable"
click Base8 "/api/Avalonia/Visual"
click Base9 "/api/Avalonia/StyledElement"
click Base10 "/api/Avalonia.Animation/Animatable"
click Base11 "/api/Avalonia/AvaloniaObject"
click Interface0 "/api/Avalonia.Diagnostics/IAvaloniaObjectDebug"
click Interface3 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/ISetLogicalParent"
click Interface4 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/ISetInheritanceParent"
click Interface5 "/api/Avalonia.Rendering/IVisualBrushInitialize"
click Interface6 "/api/Avalonia.Styling/ISetterValue"
click Interface7 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/IContentControl"
click Interface8 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/IControl"
click Interface9 "/api/Avalonia.Controls.Templates/IDataTemplateHost"
click Interface10 "/api/Avalonia.Layout/ILayoutable"
click Interface11 "/api/Avalonia.Input/IInputElement"
click Interface12 "/api/Avalonia.Interactivity/IInteractive"
click Interface13 "/api/Avalonia.VisualTree/IVisual"
click Interface14 "/api/Avalonia/IStyledElement"
click Interface15 "/api/Avalonia.Styling/IStyleHost"
click Interface16 "/api/Avalonia.LogicalTree/ILogical"
click Interface17 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/IResourceHost"
click Interface18 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/IResourceNode"
click Interface19 "/api/Avalonia/IDataContextProvider"
click Interface21 "/api/Avalonia.Controls.Presenters/IContentPresenterHost"
click Interface22 "/api/Avalonia.Styling/ITemplatedControl"
click Interface23 "/api/Avalonia.Controls/ISelectable"
click Interface24 "/api/Avalonia.Styling/IStyleable"
click Interface25 "/api/Avalonia/IAvaloniaObject"
click Interface26 "/api/Avalonia/INamed"
class Type type-node
[Obsolete("Use ComboBoxItem")]
public class DropDownItem : ComboBoxItem, IAvaloniaObjectDebug, INotifyPropertyChanged, IValueSink,
ISetLogicalParent, ISetInheritanceParent, IVisualBrushInitialize, ISetterValue,
IContentControl, IControl, IDataTemplateHost, ILayoutable, IInputElement, IInteractive,
IVisual, IStyledElement, IStyleHost, ILogical, IResourceHost, IResourceNode,
IDataContextProvider, ISupportInitialize, IContentPresenterHost, ITemplatedControl,
ISelectable, IStyleable, IAvaloniaObject, INamed
Type | Description |
ObsoleteAttribute |
Name | Summary |
DropDownItem |
Name | Type | Summary |
Attached |
EventHandler |
Raised when the styled element is attached to a rooted logical tree.
Inherited from StyledElement
AttachedToVisualTree | EventHandler |
Raised when the control is attached to a rooted visual tree.
Inherited from Visual
DataContextChanged | EventHandler? |
Occurs when the
DataContext property changes.
Inherited from StyledElement
Detached |
EventHandler |
Raised when the styled element is detached from a rooted logical tree.
Inherited from StyledElement
Detached |
EventHandler |
Raised when the control is detached from a rooted visual tree.
Inherited from Visual
DoubleTapped | EventHandler |
Occurs when a double-tap gesture occurs on the control.
Inherited from InputElement
Effective |
EventHandler |
Occurs when the element's effective viewport changes.
Inherited from Layoutable
GotFocus | EventHandler |
Occurs when the control receives focus.
Inherited from InputElement
Initialized | EventHandler? |
Occurs when the styled element has finished initialization.
Inherited from StyledElement
KeyDown | EventHandler |
Occurs when a key is pressed while the control has focus.
Inherited from InputElement
KeyUp | EventHandler |
Occurs when a key is released while the control has focus.
Inherited from InputElement
LayoutUpdated | EventHandler? |
Occurs when a layout pass completes for the control.
Inherited from Layoutable
LostFocus | EventHandler |
Occurs when the control loses focus.
Inherited from InputElement
PointerCaptureLost | EventHandler |
Occurs when the control or its child control loses the pointer capture for any reason,
event will not be triggered for a parent control if capture was transferred to another child of that parent control
Inherited from InputElement
PointerEnter | EventHandler |
Occurs when the pointer enters the control.
Inherited from InputElement
PointerLeave | EventHandler |
Occurs when the pointer leaves the control.
Inherited from InputElement
PointerMoved | EventHandler |
Occurs when the pointer moves over the control.
Inherited from InputElement
PointerPressed | EventHandler |
Occurs when the pointer is pressed over the control.
Inherited from InputElement
PointerReleased | EventHandler |
Occurs when the pointer is released over the control.
Inherited from InputElement
PointerWheelChanged | EventHandler |
Occurs when the mouse wheen is scrolled over the control.
Inherited from InputElement
PropertyChanged | EventHandler |
Raised when a
AvaloniaProperty value changes on this object.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
ResourcesChanged | EventHandler |
Occurs when a resource in this styled element or a parent styled element has changed.
Inherited from StyledElement
Tapped | EventHandler |
Occurs when a tap gesture occurs on the control.
Inherited from InputElement
TemplateApplied | EventHandler |
Raised when the control's template is applied.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
TextInput | EventHandler |
Occurs when a user typed some text while the control has focus.
Inherited from InputElement
Text |
EventHandler |
Occurs when an input element gains input focus and input method is looking for the corresponding client
Inherited from InputElement
Text |
EventHandler |
Occurs when an input element gains input focus and input method is asking for required content options
Inherited from InputElement
Name | Constant Value | Summary |
BackgroundProperty |
Defines the
Background property.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
BorderBrushProperty |
Defines the
BorderBrush property.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Border |
Defines the
BorderThickness property.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
BoundsProperty |
Defines the
Bounds property.
Inherited from Visual
ClipProperty |
Defines the
Clip property.
Inherited from Visual
ClipToBoundsProperty |
Defines the
ClipToBounds property.
Inherited from Visual
ClockProperty |
Defines the
Clock property.
Inherited from Animatable
ContentProperty |
Defines the
Content property.
Inherited from ContentControl
Content |
Defines the
ContentTemplate property.
Inherited from ContentControl
Context |
Defines the
ContextFlyout property
Inherited from Control
ContextMenuProperty |
Defines the
ContextMenu property.
Inherited from Control
CursorProperty |
Gets or sets associated mouse cursor.
Inherited from InputElement
DataContextProperty |
Defines the
DataContext property.
Inherited from StyledElement
DesiredSizeProperty |
Defines the
DesiredSize property.
Inherited from Layoutable
DoubleTappedEvent |
Defines the
DoubleTapped event.
Inherited from InputElement
FocusableProperty |
Defines the
Focusable property.
Inherited from InputElement
FocusAdornerProperty |
Defines the
FocusAdorner property.
Inherited from Control
FontFamilyProperty |
Defines the
FontFamily property.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
FontSizeProperty |
Defines the
FontSize property.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
FontStyleProperty |
Defines the
FontStyle property.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
FontWeightProperty |
Defines the
FontWeight property.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
ForegroundProperty |
Defines the
Foreground property.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
GotFocusEvent |
Defines the
GotFocus event.
Inherited from InputElement
HeightProperty |
Defines the
Height property.
Inherited from Layoutable
Horizontal |
Defines the
HorizontalAlignment property.
Inherited from Layoutable
Horizontal |
Defines the
HorizontalContentAlignment property.
Inherited from ContentControl
Is |
Defines the
IsEffectivelyEnabled property.
Inherited from InputElement
IsEnabledProperty |
Defines the
IsEnabled property.
Inherited from InputElement
IsFocusedProperty |
Defines the
IsFocused property.
Inherited from InputElement
Is |
Defines the
IsHitTestVisible property.
Inherited from InputElement
Is |
Defines the
IsKeyboardFocusWithin property.
Inherited from InputElement
Is |
Defines the
IsPointerOver property.
Inherited from InputElement
IsSelectedProperty |
Defines the
IsSelected property.
Inherited from ListBoxItem
Is |
Defines the IsTemplateFocusTarget attached property.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
IsVisibleProperty |
Defines the
IsVisibleProperty property.
Inherited from Visual
KeyDownEvent |
Defines the
KeyDown event.
Inherited from InputElement
KeyUpEvent |
Defines the
KeyUp event.
Inherited from InputElement
LostFocusEvent |
Defines the
LostFocus event.
Inherited from InputElement
MarginProperty |
Defines the
Margin property.
Inherited from Layoutable
MaxHeightProperty |
Defines the
MaxHeight property.
Inherited from Layoutable
MaxWidthProperty |
Defines the
MaxWidth property.
Inherited from Layoutable
MinHeightProperty |
Defines the
MinHeight property.
Inherited from Layoutable
MinWidthProperty |
Defines the
MinWidth property.
Inherited from Layoutable
NameProperty |
Defines the
Name property.
Inherited from StyledElement
OpacityMaskProperty |
Defines the
OpacityMask property.
Inherited from Visual
OpacityProperty |
Defines the
Opacity property.
Inherited from Visual
PaddingProperty |
Defines the
Padding property.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
ParentProperty |
Defines the
Parent property.
Inherited from StyledElement
Pointer |
Defines the
PointerCaptureLost routed event.
Inherited from InputElement
PointerEnterEvent |
Defines the
PointerEnter event.
Inherited from InputElement
PointerLeaveEvent |
Defines the
PointerLeave event.
Inherited from InputElement
PointerMovedEvent |
Defines the
PointerMoved event.
Inherited from InputElement
PointerPressedEvent |
Defines the
PointerPressed event.
Inherited from InputElement
PointerReleasedEvent |
Defines the
PointerReleased event.
Inherited from InputElement
Pointer |
Defines the
PointerWheelChanged event.
Inherited from InputElement
Render |
Defines the
RenderTransformOrigin property.
Inherited from Visual
Render |
Defines the
RenderTransform property.
Inherited from Visual
Request |
Event raised when an element wishes to be scrolled into view.
Inherited from Control
TagProperty |
Defines the
Tag property.
Inherited from Control
TappedEvent |
Defines the
Tapped event.
Inherited from InputElement
TemplateAppliedEvent |
Defines the
TemplateApplied routed event.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Templated |
Defines the
TemplatedParent property.
Inherited from StyledElement
TemplateProperty |
Defines the
Template property.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
TextInputEvent |
Defines the
TextInput event.
Inherited from InputElement
Text |
Defines the
TextInputMethodClientRequested event.
Inherited from InputElement
Text |
Defines the
TextInputOptionsQuery event.
Inherited from InputElement
Transformed |
Inherited from Visual
TransitionsProperty |
Defines the
Transitions property.
Inherited from Animatable
Use |
Defines the
UseLayoutRoundingProperty property.
Inherited from Layoutable
Vertical |
Defines the
VerticalAlignment property.
Inherited from Layoutable
Vertical |
Defines the
VerticalContentAlignment property.
Inherited from ContentControl
VisualParentProperty |
Defines the
VisualParent property.
Inherited from Visual
WidthProperty |
Defines the
Width property.
Inherited from Layoutable
ZIndexProperty |
Defines the
ZIndex property.
Inherited from Visual
Name | Value | Summary |
Background | IBrush |
Gets or sets the brush used to draw the control's background.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
BorderBrush | IBrush |
Gets or sets the brush used to draw the control's border.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
BorderThickness | Thickness |
Gets or sets the thickness of the control's border.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Bounds | Rect |
Gets the bounds of the control relative to its parent.
Inherited from Visual
Classes | Classes |
Gets or sets the styled element's classes.
Inherited from StyledElement
Clip | Geometry |
Gets or sets the geometry clip for this visual.
Inherited from Visual
ClipToBounds | bool |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control should be clipped to its bounds.
Inherited from Visual
Clock | IClock |
Gets or sets the clock which controls the animations on the control.
Inherited from Animatable
Content | object |
Gets or sets the content to display.
Inherited from ContentControl
ContentTemplate | IDataTemplate |
Gets or sets the data template used to display the content of the control.
Inherited from ContentControl
ContextFlyout | FlyoutBase? |
Gets or sets a context flyout to the control
Inherited from Control
ContextMenu | ContextMenu? |
Gets or sets a context menu to the control.
Inherited from Control
Cursor | Cursor? |
Gets or sets associated mouse cursor.
Inherited from InputElement
DataContext | object? |
Gets or sets the control's data context.
Inherited from StyledElement
DataTemplates | DataTemplates |
Gets or sets the data templates for the control.
Inherited from Control
DesiredSize | Size |
Gets the size that this element computed during the measure pass of the layout process.
Inherited from Layoutable
Focusable | bool |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can receive focus.
Inherited from InputElement
FocusAdorner | ITemplate |
Gets or sets the control's focus adorner.
Inherited from Control
FontFamily | FontFamily |
Gets or sets the font family used to draw the control's text.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
FontSize | double |
Gets or sets the size of the control's text in points.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
FontStyle | FontStyle |
Gets or sets the font style used to draw the control's text.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
FontWeight | FontWeight |
Gets or sets the font weight used to draw the control's text.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Foreground | IBrush |
Gets or sets the brush used to draw the control's text and other foreground elements.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
GestureRecognizers | Gesture |
Inherited from InputElement
Height | double |
Gets or sets the height of the element.
Inherited from Layoutable
HorizontalAlignment | HorizontalAlignment |
Gets or sets the element's preferred horizontal alignment in its parent.
Inherited from Layoutable
Horizontal |
HorizontalAlignment |
Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the content within the control.
Inherited from ContentControl
InheritanceParent | IAvaloniaObject |
Gets or sets the parent object that inherited
AvaloniaProperty values
are inherited from.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
IsArrangeValid | bool |
Gets a value indicating whether the control's layouts arrange is valid.
Inherited from Layoutable
IsEffectivelyEnabled | bool |
Gets a value indicating whether this control and all its parents are enabled.
Inherited from InputElement
IsEffectivelyVisible | bool |
Gets a value indicating whether this control and all its parents are visible.
Inherited from Visual
IsEnabled | bool |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control is enabled for user interaction.
Inherited from InputElement
IsEnabledCore | bool |
Allows a derived class to override the enabled state of the control.
Inherited from InputElement
IsFocused | bool |
Gets a value indicating whether the control is focused.
Inherited from InputElement
IsHitTestVisible | bool |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control is considered for hit testing.
Inherited from InputElement
IsInitialized | bool |
Gets a value that indicates whether the element has finished initialization.
Inherited from StyledElement
Is |
bool |
Gets a value indicating whether keyboard focus is anywhere within the element or its visual tree child elements.
Inherited from InputElement
IsMeasureValid | bool |
Gets a value indicating whether the control's layout measure is valid.
Inherited from Layoutable
IsPointerOver | bool |
Gets a value indicating whether the pointer is currently over the control.
Inherited from InputElement
IsSelected | bool |
Gets or sets the selection state of the item.
Inherited from ListBoxItem
IsVisible | bool |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this control is visible.
Inherited from Visual
KeyBindings | List |
Inherited from InputElement
LogicalChildren | IAvaloniaList |
Gets the styled element's logical children.
Inherited from StyledElement
Margin | Thickness |
Gets or sets the margin around the element.
Inherited from Layoutable
MaxHeight | double |
Gets or sets the maximum height of the element.
Inherited from Layoutable
MaxWidth | double |
Gets or sets the maximum width of the element.
Inherited from Layoutable
MinHeight | double |
Gets or sets the minimum height of the element.
Inherited from Layoutable
MinWidth | double |
Gets or sets the minimum width of the element.
Inherited from Layoutable
Name | string? |
Gets or sets the name of the styled element.
Inherited from StyledElement
Opacity | double |
Gets or sets the opacity of the control.
Inherited from Visual
OpacityMask | IBrush |
Gets or sets the opacity mask of the control.
Inherited from Visual
Padding | Thickness |
Gets or sets the padding placed between the border of the control and its content.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Parent | IControl? |
Inherited from Control
Parent | IStyledElement? |
Gets the styled element's logical parent.
Inherited from StyledElement
Presenter | IContentPresenter |
Gets the presenter from the control's template.
Inherited from ContentControl
PseudoClasses | IPseudoClasses |
Gets the
Classes collection in a form that allows adding and removing
Inherited from StyledElement
RenderTransform | ITransform |
Gets or sets the render transform of the control.
Inherited from Visual
Render |
RelativePoint |
Gets or sets the transform origin of the control.
Inherited from Visual
Resources | IResourceDictionary |
Gets or sets the styled element's resource dictionary.
Inherited from StyledElement
Styles | Styles |
Gets the styles for the styled element.
Inherited from StyledElement
Tag | object? |
Gets or sets a user-defined object attached to the control.
Inherited from Control
Template | IControlTemplate |
Gets or sets the template that defines the control's appearance.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
TemplatedParent | ITemplatedControl? |
Gets the styled element whose lookless template this styled element is part of.
Inherited from StyledElement
this[ |
object |
Gets or sets the value of a
AvaloniaProperty .
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
this[ |
IBinding |
Gets or sets a binding for a
AvaloniaProperty .
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
TransformedBounds | TransformedBounds? |
Gets the bounds of the control relative to the window, accounting for rendering transforms.
Inherited from Visual
Transitions | Transitions? |
Gets or sets the property transitions for the control.
Inherited from Animatable
UseLayoutRounding | bool |
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the element should be snapped to pixel
boundaries at layout time.
Inherited from Layoutable
VerticalAlignment | VerticalAlignment |
Gets or sets the element's preferred vertical alignment in its parent.
Inherited from Layoutable
Vertical |
VerticalAlignment |
Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the content within the control.
Inherited from ContentControl
VisualChildren | IAvaloniaList |
Gets the control's child visuals.
Inherited from Visual
VisualRoot | IRenderRoot |
Gets the root of the visual tree, if the control is attached to a visual tree.
Inherited from Visual
Width | double |
Gets or sets the width of the element.
Inherited from Layoutable
ZIndex | int |
Gets or sets the Z index of the control.
Inherited from Visual
Name | Value | Summary |
AddHandler |
void |
Adds a handler for the specified routed event.
Inherited from Interactive
AddHandler |
void |
Adds a handler for the specified routed event.
Inherited from Interactive
AffectsArrange |
void |
Marks a property as affecting the control's arrangement.
Inherited from Layoutable
AffectsArrange |
void |
Marks a property as affecting the control's arrangement.
Inherited from Layoutable
AffectsMeasure |
void |
Marks a property as affecting the control's measurement.
Inherited from Layoutable
AffectsMeasure |
void |
Marks a property as affecting the control's measurement.
Inherited from Layoutable
AffectsRender |
void |
Indicates that a property change should cause
InvalidateVisual() to be
Inherited from Visual
AffectsRender |
void |
Indicates that a property change should cause
InvalidateVisual() to be
Inherited from Visual
ApplyStyling |
bool |
Applies styling to the control if the control is initialized and styling is not
already applied.
Inherited from StyledElement
ApplyTemplate |
void |
Creates the visual children of the control, if necessary
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Arrange |
void |
Arranges the control and its children.
Inherited from Layoutable
ArrangeCore |
void |
The default implementation of the control's arrange pass.
Inherited from Layoutable
ArrangeOverride |
Size |
Positions child elements as part of a layout pass.
Inherited from Layoutable
BeginBatchUpdate |
void |
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
BeginInit |
void |
Inherited from StyledElement
Bind |
IDisposable |
Binds a
AvaloniaProperty to an observable.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
Bind |
IDisposable |
Binds a
AvaloniaProperty to an observable.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
BuildEventRoute |
EventRoute |
Builds an event route for a routed event.
Inherited from Interactive
CheckAccess |
bool |
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
ClearValue |
void |
Clears a
AvaloniaProperty 's local value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
ClearValue |
void |
Clears a
AvaloniaProperty 's local value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
ClearValue |
void |
Clears a
AvaloniaProperty 's local value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
ClearValue |
void |
Clears a
AvaloniaProperty 's local value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
CoerceValue |
void |
Coerces the specified
AvaloniaProperty .
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
DisableTransitions |
void |
Disables transitions for the control.
Inherited from Animatable
EnableTransitions |
void |
Enables transitions for the control.
Inherited from Animatable
EndBatchUpdate |
void |
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
EndInit |
void |
Inherited from StyledElement
Equals |
bool |
Compares two objects using reference equality.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
Focus |
void |
Focuses the control.
Inherited from InputElement
GetBaseValue |
Optional |
Gets an
AvaloniaProperty base value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
GetHashCode |
int |
Gets the hash code for the object.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
Get |
bool |
Gets the value of the IsTemplateFocusTargetProperty attached property on a control.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
Get |
IControl |
Gets the element that receives the focus adorner.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
GetValue |
object |
Gets a
AvaloniaProperty value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
GetValue |
T |
Gets a
AvaloniaProperty value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
GetValue |
T |
Gets a
AvaloniaProperty value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
InitializeIfNeeded |
void |
Inherited from StyledElement
InvalidateArrange |
void |
Invalidates the arrangement of the control and queues a new layout pass.
Inherited from Layoutable
InvalidateMeasure |
void |
Invalidates the measurement of the control and queues a new layout pass.
Inherited from Layoutable
InvalidateStyles |
void |
Inherited from Layoutable
InvalidateVisual |
void |
Invalidates the visual and queues a repaint.
Inherited from Visual
IsAnimating |
bool |
Checks whether a
AvaloniaProperty is animating.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
IsSet |
bool |
Checks whether a
AvaloniaProperty is set on this object.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
Logical |
void |
Inherited from Visual
Measure |
void |
Carries out a measure of the control.
Inherited from Layoutable
MeasureCore |
Size |
The default implementation of the control's measure pass.
Inherited from Layoutable
MeasureOverride |
Size |
Measures the control and its child elements as part of a layout pass.
Inherited from Layoutable
Notify |
void |
Inherited from TemplatedControl
OnApplyTemplate |
void |
Inherited from TemplatedControl
On |
void |
Called when the styled element is added to a rooted logical tree.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
On |
void |
Called when the control is added to a rooted visual tree.
Inherited from Visual
On |
void |
Inherited from Control
On |
void |
Called when the
DataContext begins updating.
Inherited from StyledElement
OnDataContextChanged |
void |
Called when the
DataContext property changes.
Inherited from StyledElement
On |
void |
Called when the
DataContext finishes updating.
Inherited from StyledElement
On |
void |
Called when the styled element is removed from a rooted logical tree.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
On |
void |
Called when the control is removed from a rooted visual tree.
Inherited from Visual
On |
void |
Inherited from Control
OnGotFocus |
void |
Called before the
GotFocus event occurs.
Inherited from Control
OnInitialized |
void |
Called when the control finishes initialization.
Inherited from StyledElement
OnKeyDown |
void |
Called before the
KeyDown event occurs.
Inherited from InputElement
OnKeyUp |
void |
Called before the
KeyUp event occurs.
Inherited from InputElement
OnLostFocus |
void |
Called before the
LostFocus event occurs.
Inherited from Control
OnMeasureInvalidated |
void |
Called by InvalidateMeasure
Inherited from Layoutable
OnPointerCaptureLost |
void |
Called before the
PointerCaptureLost event occurs.
Inherited from InputElement
OnPointerEnter |
void |
Called before the
PointerEnter event occurs.
Inherited from InputElement
OnPointerLeave |
void |
Called before the
PointerLeave event occurs.
Inherited from InputElement
OnPointerMoved |
void |
Called before the
PointerMoved event occurs.
Inherited from InputElement
OnPointerPressed |
void |
Called before the
PointerPressed event occurs.
Inherited from InputElement
OnPointerReleased |
void |
Called before the
PointerReleased event occurs.
Inherited from InputElement
On |
void |
Called before the
PointerWheelChanged event occurs.
Inherited from InputElement
OnPropertyChanged |
void |
Inherited from InputElement
On |
void |
Inherited from Animatable
OnTemplateApplied |
void |
Called when the control's template is applied.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
OnTemplateChanged |
void |
Called when the
Template property changes.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
OnTextInput |
void |
Called before the
TextInput event occurs.
Inherited from InputElement
On |
void |
Called when the control's visual parent changes.
Inherited from Layoutable
RaiseEvent |
void |
Raises a routed event.
Inherited from Interactive
Register |
bool |
Called when an
IContentPresenter is registered with the control.
Inherited from ContentControl
RemoveHandler |
void |
Removes a handler for the specified routed event.
Inherited from Interactive
RemoveHandler |
void |
Removes a handler for the specified routed event.
Inherited from Interactive
Render |
void |
Renders the visual to a
DrawingContext .
Inherited from Visual
Set |
void |
Sets the value of the IsTemplateFocusTargetProperty attached property on a control.
Inherited from TemplatedControl
SetValue |
void |
Sets a
AvaloniaProperty value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
SetValue |
void |
Sets a
AvaloniaProperty value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
SetValue |
IDisposable |
Sets a
AvaloniaProperty value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
Update |
void |
Updates the
IsEffectivelyEnabled property value according to the parent
control's enabled state and IsEnabledCore .
Inherited from InputElement
VerifyAccess |
void |
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
Extension Methods
Name | Value | Summary |
AddDisposableHandler |
IDisposable |
Adds a handler for the specified routed event and returns a disposable that can terminate the event subscription.
Bind |
IDisposable |
Binds a
AvaloniaProperty to an observable.
Bind |
IDisposable |
Binds a
AvaloniaProperty to an observable.
BindClass |
IDisposable | |
BringIntoView |
void |
Tries to bring the control into view.
From ControlExtensions
BringIntoView |
void |
Tries to bring the control into view.
From ControlExtensions
Calculate |
int |
Calculates the distance from a visual's ancestor.
From VisualExtensions
Find |
T |
Finds a named element in an
INameScope .
From NameScopeExtensions
FindAncestorOfType |
T |
Finds first ancestor of given type.
From VisualExtensions
Find |
IVisual |
Tries to get the first common ancestor of two visuals.
From VisualExtensions
FindControl |
T |
Finds the named control in the scope of the specified control.
From ControlExtensions
FindDataTemplate |
IDataTemplate? |
Find a data template that matches a piece of data.
FindDescendantOfType |
T |
Finds first descendant of given type.
From VisualExtensions
Find |
T |
Finds first ancestor of given type.
From LogicalExtensions
Find |
T |
Finds first descendant of given type.
From LogicalExtensions
FindNameScope |
INameScope |
From NameScopeExtensions
FindResource |
object? |
Finds the specified resource by searching up the logical tree and then global styles.
Get |
T |
Gets a named element from an
INameScope or throws if no element of the
requested name was found.
From NameScopeExtensions
GetBindingObservable |
IObservable |
Gets an observable for a
AvaloniaProperty .
GetBindingObservable |
IObservable |
Gets an observable for a
AvaloniaProperty .
GetBindingSubject |
ISubject |
Gets a subject for a
AvaloniaProperty .
GetBindingSubject |
ISubject |
Gets a subject for a
AvaloniaProperty .
GetDiagnostic |
Avalonia |
Gets a diagnostic for a
AvaloniaProperty on a AvaloniaObject .
GetInputElementsAt |
IEnumerable |
Returns the active input elements at a point on an
IInputElement .
From InputExtensions
GetLogicalAncestors |
IEnumerable |
Enumerates the ancestors of an
ILogical in the logical tree.
From LogicalExtensions
GetLogicalChildren |
IEnumerable |
Enumerates the children of an
ILogical in the logical tree.
From LogicalExtensions
Get |
IEnumerable |
Enumerates the descendants of an
ILogical in the logical tree.
From LogicalExtensions
GetLogicalParent |
ILogical |
Gets the logical parent of an
ILogical .
From LogicalExtensions
GetLogicalParent |
T |
Gets the logical parent of an
ILogical .
From LogicalExtensions
GetLogicalSiblings |
IEnumerable |
Enumerates the siblings of an
ILogical in the logical tree.
From LogicalExtensions
GetObservable |
IObservable |
Gets an observable for a
AvaloniaProperty .
GetObservable |
IObservable |
Gets an observable for a
AvaloniaProperty .
GetObservable |
IObservable |
Gets an observable for a
RoutedEvent<TEventArgs> .
Get |
IObservable |
Gets an observable that listens for property changed events for an
AvaloniaProperty .
Get |
IObservable |
Get |
IEnumerable |
Enumerates an
ILogical and its ancestors in the logical tree.
From LogicalExtensions
Get |
IEnumerable |
Enumerates an
ILogical and its descendants in the logical tree.
From LogicalExtensions
Get |
IEnumerable |
Enumerates an
IVisual and its ancestors in the visual tree.
From VisualExtensions
Get |
IEnumerable |
Enumerates an
IVisual and its descendants in the visual tree.
From VisualExtensions
GetStyleDiagnostics |
StyleDiagnostics |
Gets a style diagnostics for a
StyledElement .
GetSubject |
ISubject |
Gets a subject for a
AvaloniaProperty .
GetSubject |
ISubject |
Gets a subject for a
AvaloniaProperty .
GetTemplateChildren |
IEnumerable |
From TemplateExtensions
GetVisualAncestors |
IEnumerable |
Enumerates the ancestors of an
IVisual in the visual tree.
From VisualExtensions
GetVisualAt |
IVisual |
Gets the first visual in the visual tree whose bounds contain a point.
From VisualExtensions
GetVisualAt |
IVisual |
Gets the first visual in the visual tree whose bounds contain a point.
From VisualExtensions
GetVisualChildren |
IEnumerable |
Enumerates the children of an
IVisual in the visual tree.
From VisualExtensions
GetVisualDescendants |
IEnumerable |
Enumerates the descendants of an
IVisual in the visual tree.
From VisualExtensions
GetVisualParent |
IVisual |
Gets the visual parent of an
IVisual .
From VisualExtensions
GetVisualParent |
T |
Gets the visual parent of an
IVisual .
From VisualExtensions
GetVisualRoot |
IRenderRoot |
Gets the root visual for an
IVisual .
From VisualExtensions
GetVisualsAt |
IEnumerable |
Enumerates the visible visuals in the visual tree whose bounds contain a point.
From VisualExtensions
GetVisualsAt |
IEnumerable |
Enumerates the visuals in the visual tree whose bounds contain a point.
From VisualExtensions
HitTestCustom |
bool | |
InputHitTest |
IInputElement? |
Returns the topmost active input element at a point on an
IInputElement .
From InputExtensions
InputHitTest |
IInputElement? |
Returns the topmost active input element at a point on an
IInputElement .
From InputExtensions
IsLogicalAncestorOf |
bool |
Tests whether an
ILogical is an ancestor of another logical.
From LogicalExtensions
IsVisualAncestorOf |
bool |
Tests whether an
IVisual is an ancestor of another visual.
From VisualExtensions
PointToClient |
Point |
Converts a point from screen to client coordinates.
From VisualExtensions
PointToScreen |
PixelPoint |
Converts a point from client to screen coordinates.
From VisualExtensions
RegisterInNameScope |
T | |
TransformToVisual |
Matrix? |
Returns a transform that transforms the visual's coordinates into the coordinates
of the specified to.
From VisualExtensions
TranslatePoint |
Point? |
Translates a point relative to this visual to coordinates that are relative to the specified visual.
From VisualExtensions
TryFindResource |
bool |
Tries to the specified resource by searching up the logical tree and then global styles.