Avalonia.Media.TextFormatting Namespace

Class Types

Class Summary
DrawableTextRun A text run that supports drawing content.
GenericTextRunProperties Generic implementation of TextRunProperties
ShapeableTextCharacters A group of characters that can be shaped.
ShapedTextCharacters A text run that holds shaped characters.
TextCharacters A text run that holds text characters.
TextCollapsingProperties Properties of text collapsing
TextEndOfLine A text run that indicates the end of a line.
TextEndOfParagraph A text run that indicates the end of a paragraph.
TextFormatter Represents a base class for text formatting.
TextLayout Represents a multi line text layout.
TextLine Represents a line of text that is used for text rendering.
TextParagraphProperties Provides a set of properties that are used during the paragraph layout.
TextRun Represents a portion of a TextLine object.
TextRunProperties Provides a set of properties, such as typeface or foreground brush, that can be applied to a TextRun object. This is an abstract class.
TextShaper A class that is responsible for text shaping.
TextTrailingCharacterEllipsis a collapsing properties to collapse whole line toward the end at character granularity and with ellipsis being the collapsing symbol
TextTrailingWordEllipsis a collapsing properties to collapse whole line toward the end at word granularity and with ellipsis being the collapsing symbol

Enum Types

Enum Summary
TextCollapsingStyle Text collapsing style

Struct Types

Struct Summary
FontMetrics A metric that holds information about font specific measurements.
TextLineMetrics Represents a metric for a TextLine objects, that holds information about ascent, descent, line gap, size and origin of the text line.
TextRange References a portion of a text buffer.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
ITextSource Produces TextRun objects that are used by the TextFormatter.
