GlyphTypeface Class

  • IDisposable
Base Types
  • object
graph BT Type-->Base0["object"] Type-.->Interface0["IDisposable"] Type["GlyphTypeface"] class Type type-node


public sealed class GlyphTypeface : IDisposable



Name Value Summary
Ascent int
Gets the recommended distance above the baseline in design em size.
Descent int
Gets the recommended distance under the baseline in design em size.
DesignEmHeight short
Gets the font design units per em.
IsFixedPitch bool
A bool value indicating whether all glyphs in the font have the same advancement.
LineGap int
Gets the recommended additional space between two lines of text in design em size.
LineHeight int
Gets the recommended line height.
PlatformImpl IGlyphTypefaceImpl
StrikethroughPosition int
Gets a value that indicates the distance of the strikethrough from the baseline in design em size.
StrikethroughThickness int
Gets a value that indicates the thickness of the underline in design em size.
UnderlinePosition int
Gets a value that indicates the distance of the underline from the baseline in design em size.
UnderlineThickness int
Gets a value that indicates the thickness of the underline in design em size.


Name Value Summary
GetGlyph(uint) ushort
Returns an glyph index for the specified codepoint.
GetGlyphAdvance(ushort) int
Returns the glyph advance for the specified glyph.
GetGlyphAdvances(ReadOnlySpan<ushort>) int[]
Returns an array of glyph advances in design em size.
GetGlyphs(ReadOnlySpan<uint>) ushort[]
Returns an array of glyph indices. Codepoints that are not represented by the font are returned as
TryGetGlyph(uint, ushort) bool
Tries to get an glyph index for specified codepoint.