A brush that draws with a linear gradient.
- Namespace
- Avalonia
.Media - Interfaces
- IAvaloniaObject
- IAvaloniaObjectDebug
- I
Notify Property Changed - IValueSink
- IMutableBrush
- IAffectsRender
- ILinearGradientBrush
- IGradientBrush
- IBrush
- Base Types
public sealed class LinearGradientBrush : GradientBrush, IAvaloniaObject, IAvaloniaObjectDebug,
INotifyPropertyChanged, IValueSink, IMutableBrush, IAffectsRender, ILinearGradientBrush,
IGradientBrush, IBrush
Name | Type | Summary |
Invalidated | EventHandler |
Raised when the resource changes visually.
Inherited from Brush
PropertyChanged | EventHandler |
Raised when a
AvaloniaProperty value changes on this object.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
Name | Constant Value | Summary |
ClockProperty |
Defines the
Clock property.
Inherited from Animatable
EndPointProperty |
Defines the
EndPoint property.
Gradient |
Defines the
GradientStops property.
Inherited from GradientBrush
OpacityProperty |
Defines the
Opacity property.
Inherited from Brush
SpreadMethodProperty |
Defines the
SpreadMethod property.
Inherited from GradientBrush
StartPointProperty |
Defines the
StartPoint property.
TransitionsProperty |
Defines the
Transitions property.
Inherited from Animatable
Name | Value | Summary |
Clock | IClock |
Gets or sets the clock which controls the animations on the control.
Inherited from Animatable
EndPoint | RelativePoint |
Gets or sets the end point for the gradient.
GradientStops | GradientStops |
Inherited from GradientBrush
InheritanceParent | IAvaloniaObject |
Gets or sets the parent object that inherited
AvaloniaProperty values
are inherited from.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
Opacity | double |
Gets or sets the opacity of the brush.
Inherited from Brush
SpreadMethod | GradientSpreadMethod |
Gets the brush's spread method that defines how to draw a gradient that doesn't fill
the bounds of the destination control.
Inherited from GradientBrush
StartPoint | RelativePoint |
Gets or sets the start point for the gradient.
this[ |
object |
Gets or sets the value of a
AvaloniaProperty .
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
this[ |
IBinding |
Gets or sets a binding for a
AvaloniaProperty .
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
Transitions | Transitions? |
Gets or sets the property transitions for the control.
Inherited from Animatable