ITileBrush Interface


A brush which displays a repeating image.
graph BT Type-.->Interface0["IBrush"] click Interface0 "/api/Avalonia.Media/IBrush" Type["ITileBrush"] class Type type-node Implementing0["VisualBrush"]-.->Type click Implementing0 "/api/Avalonia.Media/VisualBrush" Implementing1["IImageBrush"]-.->Type click Implementing1 "/api/Avalonia.Media/IImageBrush" Implementing2["IVisualBrush"]-.->Type click Implementing2 "/api/Avalonia.Media/IVisualBrush" Implementing3["ImageBrush"]-.->Type click Implementing3 "/api/Avalonia.Media/ImageBrush" Implementing4["ImmutableTileBrush"]-.->Type click Implementing4 "/api/Avalonia.Media.Immutable/ImmutableTileBrush" Implementing5["TileBrush"]-.->Type click Implementing5 "/api/Avalonia.Media/TileBrush"


public interface ITileBrush : IBrush


Name Value Summary
AlignmentX AlignmentX
Gets the horizontal alignment of a tile in the destination.
AlignmentY AlignmentY
Gets the horizontal alignment of a tile in the destination.
BitmapInterpolationMode BitmapInterpolationMode
Gets the bitmap interpolation mode.
DestinationRect RelativeRect
Gets the rectangle on the destination in which to paint a tile.
SourceRect RelativeRect
Gets the rectangle of the source image that will be displayed.
Stretch Stretch
Gets a value indicating how the source rectangle will be stretched to fill the destination rect.
TileMode TileMode
Gets the brush's tile mode.

Extension Methods

Name Value Summary
ToImmutable() IBrush
Converts a brush to an immutable brush.