Pen Class


Describes how a stroke is drawn.
Base Types
graph BT Type-->Base0["AvaloniaObject"] click Base0 "/api/Avalonia/AvaloniaObject" Base0-->Base1["object"] Type-.->Interface0["IAvaloniaObject"] click Interface0 "/api/Avalonia/IAvaloniaObject" Type-.->Interface1["IAvaloniaObjectDebug"] click Interface1 "/api/Avalonia.Diagnostics/IAvaloniaObjectDebug" Type-.->Interface2["INotifyPropertyChanged"] Type-.->Interface3["IValueSink"] Type-.->Interface4["IPen"] click Interface4 "/api/Avalonia.Media/IPen" Type["Pen"] class Type type-node


public class Pen : AvaloniaObject, IAvaloniaObject, IAvaloniaObjectDebug, INotifyPropertyChanged, 
    IValueSink, IPen


Name Summary
Pen() Initializes a new instance of the Pen class.
Pen(IBrush, double, IDashStyle, PenLineCap, PenLineJoin, double) Initializes a new instance of the Pen class.
Pen(uint, double, IDashStyle, PenLineCap, PenLineJoin, double) Initializes a new instance of the Pen class.


Name Type Summary
Invalidated EventHandler
Raised when the pen changes.
PropertyChanged EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
Raised when a AvaloniaProperty value changes on this object.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject


Name Constant Value Summary
Defines the Brush property.
Defines the DashStyle property.
Defines the LineCap property.
Defines the LineJoin property.
Defines the MiterLimit property.
Defines the Thickness property.


Name Value Summary
Brush IBrush
Gets or sets the brush used to draw the stroke.
DashStyle IDashStyle
Gets or sets the style of dashed lines drawn with a Pen object.
InheritanceParent IAvaloniaObject
Gets or sets the parent object that inherited AvaloniaProperty values are inherited from.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
LineCap PenLineCap
Gets or sets the type of shape to use on both ends of a line.
LineJoin PenLineJoin
Gets or sets the join style for the ends of two consecutive lines drawn with this Pen.
MiterLimit double
Gets or sets the limit of the thickness of the join on a mitered corner.
Thickness double
Gets or sets the stroke thickness.
this[AvaloniaProperty] object
Gets or sets the value of a AvaloniaProperty.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
this[IndexerDescriptor] IBinding
Gets or sets a binding for a AvaloniaProperty.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject


Name Value Summary
AffectsRender<T>(AvaloniaProperty[]) void
Marks a property as affecting the pen's visual representation.
BeginBatchUpdate() void
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
Bind<T>(DirectPropertyBase<T>, IObservable<BindingValue<T>>) IDisposable
Binds a AvaloniaProperty to an observable.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
Bind<T>(StyledPropertyBase<T>, IObservable<BindingValue<T>>, BindingPriority) IDisposable
Binds a AvaloniaProperty to an observable.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
CheckAccess() bool
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
ClearValue(AvaloniaProperty) void
Clears a AvaloniaProperty's local value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
ClearValue<T>(AvaloniaProperty<T>) void
Clears a AvaloniaProperty's local value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
ClearValue<T>(DirectPropertyBase<T>) void
Clears a AvaloniaProperty's local value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
ClearValue<T>(StyledPropertyBase<T>) void
Clears a AvaloniaProperty's local value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
CoerceValue<T>(StyledPropertyBase<T>) void
Coerces the specified AvaloniaProperty.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
EndBatchUpdate() void
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
Equals(object) bool
Compares two objects using reference equality.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
GetBaseValue<T>(StyledPropertyBase<T>, BindingPriority) Optional<T>
Gets an AvaloniaProperty base value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
GetHashCode() int
Gets the hash code for the object.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
GetValue(AvaloniaProperty) object
Gets a AvaloniaProperty value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
GetValue<T>(DirectPropertyBase<T>) T
Gets a AvaloniaProperty value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
GetValue<T>(StyledPropertyBase<T>) T
Gets a AvaloniaProperty value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
IsAnimating(AvaloniaProperty) bool
Checks whether a AvaloniaProperty is animating.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
IsSet(AvaloniaProperty) bool
Checks whether a AvaloniaProperty is set on this object.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
RaiseInvalidated(EventArgs) void
Raises the Invalidated event.
SetValue(AvaloniaProperty, object, BindingPriority) void
Sets a AvaloniaProperty value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
SetValue<T>(DirectPropertyBase<T>, T) void
Sets a AvaloniaProperty value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
SetValue<T>(StyledPropertyBase<T>, T, BindingPriority) IDisposable
Sets a AvaloniaProperty value.
Inherited from AvaloniaObject
ToImmutable() ImmutablePen
Creates an immutable clone of the brush.
VerifyAccess() void
Inherited from AvaloniaObject

Extension Methods

Name Value Summary
Bind(AvaloniaProperty, IObservable<BindingValue<object>>, BindingPriority) IDisposable
Binds a AvaloniaProperty to an observable.
Bind<T>(AvaloniaProperty<T>, IObservable<BindingValue<T>>, BindingPriority) IDisposable
Binds a AvaloniaProperty to an observable.
GetBindingObservable(AvaloniaProperty) IObservable<BindingValue<object>>
Gets an observable for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetBindingObservable<T>(AvaloniaProperty<T>) IObservable<BindingValue<T>>
Gets an observable for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetBindingSubject(AvaloniaProperty, BindingPriority) ISubject<BindingValue<object>>
Gets a subject for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetBindingSubject<T>(AvaloniaProperty<T>, BindingPriority) ISubject<BindingValue<T>>
Gets a subject for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetDiagnostic(AvaloniaProperty) AvaloniaPropertyValue
Gets a diagnostic for a AvaloniaProperty on a AvaloniaObject.
GetObservable(AvaloniaProperty) IObservable<object>
Gets an observable for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetObservable<T>(AvaloniaProperty<T>) IObservable<T>
Gets an observable for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetPropertyChangedObservable(AvaloniaProperty) IObservable<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
Gets an observable that listens for property changed events for an AvaloniaProperty.
GetSubject(AvaloniaProperty, BindingPriority) ISubject<object>
Gets a subject for a AvaloniaProperty.
GetSubject<T>(AvaloniaProperty<T>, BindingPriority) ISubject<T>
Gets a subject for a AvaloniaProperty.
ToImmutable() ImmutablePen
Converts a pen to an immutable pen.