Avalonia.Media Namespace

Class Types

Class Summary
Brush Describes how an area is painted.
BrushConverter Creates an IBrush from a string representation.
Brushes Predefined brushes.
BrushExtensions Extension methods for brush classes.
Colors Defines a set of predefined colors.
ConicGradientBrush Paints an area with a swept circular gradient.
DashStyle Represents the sequence of dashes and gaps that will be applied by a Pen.
Drawing Abstract class that describes a 2-D drawing.
DrawingImage An IImage that uses a Drawing for content.
EllipseGeometry Represents the geometry of an ellipse or circle.
FontManager The font manager is used to query the system's installed fonts and is responsible for caching loaded fonts. It is also responsible for the font fallback.
FormattedText Represents a piece of text with formatting.
FormattedTextLine Stores information about a line of FormattedText.
FormattedTextStyleSpan Describes the formatting for a span of text in a FormattedText object.
Geometry Defines a geometric shape.
GeometryDrawing Represents a drawing operation that combines a geometry with and brush and/or pen to produce rendered content.
GlyphRun Represents a sequence of glyphs from a single face of a single font at a single size, and with a single rendering style.
GradientBrush Base class for brushes that draw with a gradient.
GradientStop Describes the location and color of a transition point in a gradient.
GradientStops A collection of GradientStops.
ImageBrush Paints an area with an IBitmap.
LinearGradientBrush A brush that draws with a linear gradient.
LineGeometry Represents the geometry of a line.
MatrixTransform Transforms an IVisual according to a Matrix.
MediaExtensions Provides extension methods for Avalonia media.
PathMarkupParser Parses a path markup string.
Pen Describes how a stroke is drawn.
PolylineGeometry Represents the geometry of an polyline or polygon.
RadialGradientBrush Paints an area with a radial gradient.
RectangleGeometry Represents the geometry of a rectangle.
RotateTransform Rotates an IVisual.
ScaleTransform Scale an IVisual.
SkewTransform Skews an IVisual.
SolidColorBrush Fills an area with a solid color.
StreamGeometry Represents the geometry of an arbitrarily complex shape.
StreamGeometryContext Describes a geometry using drawing commands.
TextDecoration Represents a text decoration, which is a visual ornamentation that is added to text (such as an underline).
TextDecorationCollection A collection that holds TextDecoration objects.
TextDecorations Defines a set of commonly used text decorations.
TextHitTestResult Holds a hit test result from a FormattedText.
TileBrush Base class for brushes which display repeating images.
Transform Represents a transform on an IVisual.
TransformConverter Creates an ITransform from a string representation.
TranslateTransform Translates (moves) an IVisual.
VisualBrush Paints an area with an IVisual.

Struct Types

Struct Summary
CharacterHit Represents information about a character hit within a glyph run.
Color An ARGB color.
Typeface Represents a typeface.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
IAffectsRender Signals to a self-rendering control that changes to the resource should invoke InvalidateVisual().
IBrush Describes how an area is painted.
IConicGradientBrush Paints an area with a conic gradient.
IDashStyle Represents the sequence of dashes and gaps that will be applied by a Pen.
IExperimentalAcrylicMaterial Experimental Interface for producing Acrylic-like materials.
IGradientBrush A brush that draws with a gradient.
IGradientStop Describes the location and color of a transition point in a gradient.
IImage Represents a raster or vector image.
IImageBrush Paints an area with an IBitmap.
ILinearGradientBrush A brush that draws with a linear gradient.
IMutableBrush Represents a mutable brush which can return an immutable clone of itself.
IMutableExperimentalAcrylicMaterial Represents a mutable brush which can return an immutable clone of itself.
IPen Describes how a stroke is drawn.
IRadialGradientBrush Paints an area with a radial gradient.
ISolidColorBrush Fills an area with a solid color.
ITileBrush A brush which displays a repeating image.
IVisualBrush Paints an area with an IVisual.

Enum Types

Enum Summary
AcrylicBackgroundSource Background Sources for Acrylic.
AlignmentX Describes how content is positioned horizontally in a container.
AlignmentY Describes how content is positioned vertically in a container.
FontStyle Defines the available font styles.
FontWeight Defines a set of predefined font weights.
Stretch Describes how content is resized to fill its allocated space.
StretchDirection Describes the type of scaling that can be used when scaling content.
SweepDirection Defines the direction an which elliptical arc is drawn.
TextAlignment Defines how text is aligned.
TextDecorationLocation Specifies the vertical position of a TextDecoration object.
TextDecorationUnit Specifies the unit type of either a StrokeOffset or a StrokeThickness value.
TextTrimming Describes how text is trimmed when it overflows.
TextWrapping Controls the wrapping mode of text.
TileMode Describes how a TileBrush is tiled.
